The History of Refrigerators

What would you say if we told you that refrigerators didn't exist before the 1800s? That's pretty wild, considering we have had them around as far as we remember. Our parents have always told us to put our leftovers in the fridge so they don't spoil, and we always head to the fridge when we're bored or craving our favorite foods at midnight.

But speaking of the times when refrigerators didn't exist, how did people store and preserve their foods? And how did the invention of the fridge come about?

Read below to discover the answers to these questions and much more! But first, let us find out the importance of storing food correctly.

The Importance of Storing Food Correctly

Here's the science behind the importance of storing food the right way.

If you store your food as it should, it will be protected from bacteria and other microbes. However, if it is not stored correctly, or if it is not stored altogether, microbes will grow in it.

When that happens, the microbes and bacteria growing in food produce enzymes that cause it to spoil, rot, and mold fast.

If you want your food preserved, avoid storing it in high temperatures, dirty environments, and humid and lit places, as such conditions expose it to bacteria and germs.

● How Do I Know If My Food Is Spoiled?

1. It has an undesirable taste.

2. There is a change in texture and/or color.

3. It has an unpleasant smell.

Spoiled meals are unsafe to consume because they can lead to food poisoning and chemical contamination. Therefore, food storage should be taken seriously in every household. Appropriate storage helps sustain the quality and taste of the food we eat, ensuring the presence of all nutrients and the absence of all harmful bacteria.

History of refregerators LG Instaview 617L

Brief History of Refrigerators

Now that you know how important it is to store food in fridges, you must be wondering how people preserved their food and kept it cool before there were fridges.

Let's briefly go through the history of refrigerators.

1. Natural Fridges

Yes, you read that correctly.

People preserved food with natural cooling methods. Ancient societies stored their food using environmental-dependent cooling techniques that were accessible to them.

For example, they directly kept their food in lakes and rivers, while for other foods and in other areas, people dug holes and wells in the ground for food preservation.

2. Simple Fridges

William Cullen, a Scottish professor, illustrated the first evaporative cooling method of refrigeration, but it was never implemented. In the early 1800s, inventor Jacob Perkins created a vapor compression system, while in the late 1800s, professor Carl von Linde licensed the liquefying gas process.

Fast forward to the early 1900s, the first home electric refrigerator was invented, which consisted of an icebox alongside a refrigeration unit to maintain the cool temperature.

3. Home Refrigerators

Fortunately for us, the first home refrigerator was introduced shortly afterward when the mass production of household refrigerators was initiated in urban cities. Since then, household refrigerators have been considered a much-needed luxury as the fresh food supply decreased and city demands increased.

4. Refrigerators with freezers

Do you want to know the most intriguing part about the history of refrigerators? The isolated freezer slot wasn't added until the mid-1900s, and the water dispenser feature wasn't invented until the 1980s. Mind blown!

History of Refregerators LG Instaview Silver 617L

History of Refrigerators with LG

It is hard to imagine not having fridges in today's date and age, especially now since we have access to fridges that beep when you forget to close their door. Technology has come far!

LG has been growing and innovating varying high-tech fridges ever since its first refrigerator in 1965. LG provides a wide variety of options with up-to-date features and qualities designed to fulfill your needs and exceed your expectations.

Some of these features are:

● The Inverter Linear Compressor:

It provides up to 32% energy savings, top-rate durability and the best temperature control to keep your food fresher for longer.

Means? Your bill amount will decrease, the environment will be thankful for this eco-friendly feature, and you'll get to keep your favorite leftovers longer to enjoy!

LG? Life is good.

● FRESHBalancer:

As mentioned before, humidity can cause your foods to spoil. So, LG offers this FRESHBalancer feature to keep your vegetables and fruits in excellent condition by adjusting humidity.

This way, you won't have to rush turning those fruits into jams and juices before they get spoiled, you can enjoy them as they are!

● Smart ThinQ:

No worries with LG! All the control you need is in the palm of your hands.

● The Knock Twice Feature:

You can find this revolutionary feature in the InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators.

Knock twice on the fridge's door so the inside illuminates. This is especially helpful for people who stare long at the food in their fridge, trying to figure out what they want to eat. This feature is literally at your fingertips!

Check the InstaView Door-in-Door refrigerators for more unique features, as they are one of LG's most creative and efficient refrigerators up to date.

No matter the features you're looking for in a fridge, you can find them with LG's varying high-tech fridges. Check the types of LG refrigerators and choose the one that fits your needs best.

Preserve your food in one of LG's refrigerators to maintain a clean and cold environment that keeps off the bacteria and germs for a fresh and yummy taste. Enjoy the modern age bliss!

Life's Good!

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