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100g pasta, 400ml boiling water, salt to taste, tomato, onion, rosemary, basil, parsley, garlic, parmesan cheese
(Weight Range 0.1~0.3kg, Microwave-safe bowl)
Brazil: Use Popular Menu No.7
1. Join pasta in a microwave-safe bowl with boiling water and a spoon of oil.
2. Place food in the oven. Choose the menu, press start.
3. When BEEP, mix well.
4. Process tomato in blender and sieve.
5. Join herbs, salt, sugar, onion and garlic and keep cooking from 30 to 40 minutes.
6. Spread tomato sauce over pasta in a plate. Spread grated parmesan Cheese.
1. Add the dough into a bowl resistant to microwave with boiling water and a spoon of olive oil.
2. Put the food in the oven. Microwave in 1000W for 3min 30secs.
3. Spread tomato sauce over the pasta over a plate. Spread grated Parmesan cheese.
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