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Microave-safe bowl (deep glass pot)
0.4kg rice, 1000ml water, 3 tablespoons oil, 3 teaspoons saffron water, salt to taste
(Weight Range 0.1~0.4kg, Microwave-safe bowl(deep glass pot))
MEA: Use Popular Menu No.4
1.Wash rice and drain. Add rice, water, salt, liquid oil and saffron water into deep glass bowl and mix them.
2. Do not cover to vaporize whole water. Place food in the oven.
3. After cooking. Stir and stand covered for 5 minutes.
1. Wash rice and drain. Add rice, water, salt, liquid oil and saffron water into a deep glass bowl and mix them.
2. Do not cover to vaporize whole water. Place food in the oven. Microwave in 1000w for 3min.
3. When BEEP , stir rice and then coer with lid. Press start to continue cooking.
4. Afer cooking, stir and stand covered for 5 minutes.
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