• How To Save Time With The Right Appliances In 2022 (Part 2)

    Saving time and being more productive especially with the use of the right appliances has never been as important than it is now in 2022. This statement brings to mind the experience of Dan which almost ruined his chances at love. We shared how it all started in our post on how to save time with the right appliances part 1 and we will continue from here with a little background story so you can easily contextualise things. Shall we?

  • How Dan made it

    It was a day when the love life of Dan hinged on his ability to save time. He was in-between rescheduling a date with his dream woman or cancelling it due to his stained shirt but he realises he would make a bad first impression if he cancels or postpones the date, so, he had to look for a way to prevent the potential love of his life from slipping from his hand.

    He removed the stained shirt and manually washed the stained part. No need dipping a cloth with a minor stain into appliances such as a washing machine or Washer Dryer as doing so will wet the entire cloth, giving it a thorough washing. So, Dan proceeded to manually wash the stained part of the cloth and then used his LG Styler to steam dry it. That way, he was still able to leave his house before the agreed time. And like the gentleman that he was, he sent a text message ahead to his date asking her for an extra fifteen minutes - just in case. As fate would have it, not only did he get there before 6:15pm, he was there before the lady and therefore had time to calm down.

    Your situation may be like that of Dan or it may be in no way similar. But whatever it is, it is good you are prepared for pivotal times like this that place a demand on your time saving and productivity skills. That said, continuing from our previous post, here are additional appliances that can help you save time and be more productive:

  • Styler

Styler Styler
  • If you have clothes that cost you a fortune and you would like them to stay in good condition for long, it matters the kind of treatment you expose them to. Beyond washing them with the right washing machine or using the proper dryer on them, you need the right appliance to help sanitise your clothes while reducing more than 99.9% virus and bacteria.And which other appliance does that better than the innovative LG Styler?

    The LG Styler comes with features that allow you to save time on chores as you easily sanitise fabrics and items that are difficult or impossible to wash and not only that, you can dry clothes that require special care without worrying about shrinkage or damage. No more dampness or accidental damage to your clothes as they become fresh and clean as they were meant to be.

    And talking of unpleasant smells, harmful pollutants, allergens, odours and wrinkles in your clothes, the machine is designed to effortlessly and effectively remove them at your home.

    So, whether it’s your suits, dresses, sweaters or more, with the touch of the LG Styler button, you can keep them refreshed and have them always looking like you would like them to be.

  • Dishwasher

Dishwasher Dishwasher
  • Are you always tired after a hang-out or plates have piled up and you are unsure of where to begin from or yours is a different case entirely? Not to worry. I come bearing good news.

    The dishwasher of LG was conceived with you in mind so you can enjoy enhanced cleaning and drying performance regardless of what it is that you are washing. That way, life in the kitchen becomes much easier and you are also able to save time and be productive in other areas.

    In terms of performance, the Multi-Motion spray arms and high-pressure jets of dishwasher ensure it reaches every part of your dish and cleans the dirt in such a way that a second cleaning is not necessary.

    No corner in the dishwasher is exempt from water and there is no dish it cannot handle; whether it’s plates, pots, pans, casseroles, glasswares or whatever, just do your dishes with one of the most smart, reliable, time saving and quietest dishwashers in its class.

    And what is more? You can count on your LG dishwasher for years to come with a 10-year limited warranty on the Direct Drive Motor that will have it still working as beautifully as it looks.

  • Gas Cooker

Gas Cooker Gas Cooker
  • It’s enough that you are hungry, but it’s unfair when you have to spend productive time waiting endlessly before food can be ready. Whether it's dinner, lunch, breakfast or something in between, you should be able to save time while trying to enjoy your meal.

    This is the reason for the conception of the LG gas cooker. You can easily and speedily cook different tasty meals at record time without running up huge electricity bills as a result. And the cooking is done thoroughly and evenly to ensure that regardless of the kind of meal it is, it has the taste it is meant to have.

    And not only that, the solid, intuitive and ergonomic design of the gas cooker matches in harmony with your kitchen, giving it that look of a place where food worthy of royalty is being prepared.

    And as far as cleaning is concerned, you can easily remove any residue by just spraying water inside the oven and then with the click of a button, the cleaning course begins, and all you are left to do is just to wipe. And safety? Its removable glass door is very rigid and maintains 10℃ lower than the conventional gas cooker allowing you to do your cooking without worrying about safety.

  • Final thoughts

    Dan eventually had the time of his life at the date. Things didn’t go south at all and the meeting ended up being the first of the several dates he will keep having with the woman even after they became married. This goes to show like we wrote in our previous post that it’s normal for challenges to occur, but abnormal to throw in the towel or give up when there are things, like these time saving appliances, that can help you surmount these challenges.

  • Further reading

    If you would like to see a list of gift ideas you can buy for a loved one and why you should, click here. And if you would like to know where you can buy some of these products near you, click here. Carry the good life products of LG everywhere you go by downloading our product catalogue here.