Because you loved me before I knew you
And that love hasn't changed with times and seasons.

Because you allowed me to be a child
While inspiring me to be an inspiring man

Because you taught me the way up is the way down
And that I should live while alive

Because you never for once doubted my ability
And did your best to prepare me for opportunities

Because you taught me it is better to fail
Than to trade one’s integrity for cheap gains

Because of the way you introduce me to people
And smile when they comment on our resemblance

Because of the way you loved football
And never for once chastised me for loving it also

Because of the ways you celebrated my wins
And my seemingly insignificant gains

Because of the many times you were broke because of me
And the few times I made you raise your voice.

Because of the way you loved my mother And of
how approving you're of my wife and my kid.

Because you’ve been an adorable father
And a wonderful grandpa

Because on this Father's day…
Who else deserves an LG OLED TV if not you, Dad?

Get your dad an LG OLED TV as a way of appreciating him this Father’s Day. Choose one here.
And for more ideas on the gift you can give your dad for Father’s Day, check out this post. 

Carry the good life products of LG everywhere you go by downloading our product catalogue here