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It’s 2023 and you made up your mind. This year, you’re upgrading your heating system to an air-source heat pump. However, you may not have realized all that goes into making the upgrade. No worries, LG Therma V has your back. We’ve compiled everything you need to know about heat pumps, their installation, and their maintenance, in a succinct article to help you with the process.
Choose the right heat pump for your facility Deciding which heat pump is best for your home or facility can be a bit of a challenge. Our article on the subject summarizes different air-source heat pump installation types and the environments where they are most suitable. You can find that article here. On top of that, we also prepared an infographic below to help you out.
Verify the availability of government grants to lower your costs.
In short, yes, most of the time. Many governments encourage their citizens to switch to more sustainable heating systems, so don’t hesitate to check your local grants. Investing in a heat pump doesn’t have to represent a financial burden, for example:
─ In France, when replacing old oil, gas, or coal boiler with an air-to-water or water-to-water heat pump, a premium of at least €4,000 (€4,000 minimum for modest households and €2,500 minimum for other households) is offered. The Coup de pouce Chauffage can be combined with MaPrimeRénov and the éco PTZ zero-rate loan for additional benefits, and you can check the details from the links below.
─ In Germany, new regulations include rebates of up to 40% for heat pump purchase and installation. The eligibility depends on various conditions, please check the details from the link below.
─ In the UK, up to 5,000 GBP are offered through its Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS).
* The information above is based on data available as of March 2023. Detailed and up-to-date information can be found on the websites provided, as incentives provided by governments may vary in the future.
Ensure the quality of your installation by wisely choosing your installer.
Verifying that your installer has the right qualifications for heat pump installation is essential, as it ensures the quality and reliability of the service provided and will optimize your heat pump’s operation and longevity. Don’t forget to look up your local certified installers.
Replace or combine with your existing heating system.
While a heat pump can replace your existing system entirely, there are some cases in which the combination of the two can turn out to be more advantageous. For instance, you can utilize the existing piping, radiator or water tank to save on the total installation cost or keep the existing gas boiler as a backup for your new heat pump.
Check with your installer about local regulations
Before anything, getting acquainted with your local permissions on home improvement is a must. If heat pumps are a “permitted development” in your region, such as parts of the UK, you aren’t required to request formal permission before installation as long as it meets some basic criteria. Be sure to check with an installer for regulations in your area.
The expected duration for heat pump installation
Regarding the installation time, you can count between 1 to 5 days depending on variables such as the type of heat pump and the number of units. You should also plan to install a heat pump when the weather is still warm as to avoid being stuck in the cold.
Check the warranty and if smart management tools are available
Check that your heat pump has a satisfactory warranty for components and maintenance services. For LG Therma V, installers can provide convenient and quick services by constantly monitoring the status of the heat pump via a remote cloud-based system. The LG BECON Cloud control solution allows them to do just that.
When you start inquiring about installing an air-source heat pump, you may find you end up with more questions than answers. We hope we’ve addressed some of your questions and pointed you in the right direction to finding the information you need to navigate the installation of a heat pump.