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Scotch bonnet pepper
½ cup of vegetable oil
Seasoning powder
Chopped sausage
Red bell pepper
Washed beans
Boiled eggs
Onion bulb
1. Ground beans and ingredients together (excluding seasoning powder, salt,
sausage and boiled eggs).
2. Put the mix in a bowl, add seasoning powder and salt, then add chopped sausage.
3. Put the mix in a microwave-safe bowl and add sliced boiled eggs on top.
4. Set the mode of your LG microwave to ‘comb’ and the timer to 7 minutes.
5. When the timer is up, stick a toothpick in the middle of the moi-moi to confirm if
it’s done.
6. If properly done, bring it out and allow it to cool. Moi-moi is ready.
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