• Introduction:

    St Marys Diggers and Band Club, a cornerstone of Western Sydney's entertainment scene, embarked on a transformative journey following the amalgamation of its two venues in late 2019. Nestled in St Marys, the club set out to elevate its offerings, undergoing extensive renovations and improvements to provide members with contemporary, high-quality entertainment in a warm and family-friendly atmosphere.

  • Challenges Faced:

    Post-amalgamation, the club faced challenges emblematic of growth pains. Inconsistent screen sizes and qualities, coupled with the limitations of outdated projector technologies, hindered the overall viewing experience. A decisive shift from a TAB oriented space to a dynamic sports-watching environment became the primary objective.

  • Renovation Objectives

    With a goal to create a standout "Hero" Display that attracts customers and enhances the viewing experience during major events, the club partnered with LG Information Display specialists to bring this vision to life.

  • LG's Tailored Solution:

    LG Electronics, renowned for innovation in display technologies, responded with a cutting-edge solution for the Hero Display—a deployment of two 136” All-in-One LED commercial displays (LAEC015). These displays, known for their simplicity in installation and a gigantic 136” FHD display without bezel seams, became the visual centrepiece the club desired.

    This solution not only addressed the challenge of inconsistent screen sizes but also ushered in a new era of immersive entertainment. The giant, vibrant display provided an unmatched viewing experience, aligning seamlessly with the club's commitment to delivering high-quality entertainment.

  • Sports Lounge Enhancement:

    Beyond the Hero display, LG upgraded the entire Sports Lounge with the UR640S series UHD TV Signages. Ranging from 43” to 86”, these displays offer vibrant UHD visuals and can handle up to 16/7 active hours. With Content Management System (CMS) compatibility, centralised control and management are seamless across various CMS platforms. This comprehensive upgrade not only meets the club's current needs but also future-proofs its entertainment spaces. The variety of display sizes caters to different viewing preferences, ensuring a smooth integration and visually appealing environment for patrons.

  • Quality Assurance and Support:

    Crucially, LG's commitment to quality assurance and customer support played a pivotal role in the club's decision-making. All LG information displays, including the Hero screens and the UHD TV Signages, adhered to high-quality standards. The inclusion of a 3-year warranty and a localised technical support and service hotline instilled confidence in the club, emphasising the reliability and durability of their investment.

  • Successful Outcome:

    Six weeks post-renovation, the club faced a significant test—the highly anticipated Melbourne Cup day. The venue, now adorned with LG's cutting-edge displays, was abuzz with anticipation. As the screens broadcasted the Big Race, the atmosphere was electric. The results were overwhelmingly positive; the venue was packed with patrons, and the Hero screens, in particular, exceeded expectations.

    The two 136” displays captivated the audience with their giant screen size and vibrant resolution, creating an immersive experience during the race. The success of Melbourne Cup day was not just a testament to the popularity of the event but also a demonstration of how LG's solutions had seamlessly integrated into the club's vision for an unparalleled entertainment experience.

  • Conclusion:

    In conclusion, the collaboration between LG and St Marys D&B Club stands as a testament to the transformative power of cutting-edge display solutions. LG's Business Solution team successfully navigated the challenges faced by the club, from attracting customers with a Hero display to ensuring seamless integration, CMS compatibility, and adherence to the specified budget and timeframe.

    The club's journey from inconsistent screens and outdated technologies to a state-of-the-art entertainment hub showcases how technology, when tailored to specific needs, can redefine the customer experience. LG's commitment to innovation, quality, and customer satisfaction has not only revitalised St Marys D&B Club but has set a new standard for entertainment venues looking to embrace the future of visual display technologies. This case study serves as an inspiring example of how strategic partnerships can lead to the evolution of entertainment spaces, creating memorable experiences for patrons.

Watch the full case study video.