According to the laptop development team of LG Electronics, it is possible to extend the battery life by reducing the charging level from 100% to 80%.
So, LG Electronics laptop products have the [Extend Battery Life] function added to them.
Check if the function is enabled when charging stops at 80%.
Depending on the release year of laptop, the [Extend Battery Life] function setting program might differ.
In case of laptop released before 2022, you can check it in the LG Control Center program and in case of laptop released after 2022, you can check it in the LG Smart Assistant program.
Causes and Symptoms
- I am using the [Extend Battery Life] function in the bundle program provided from LG laptop.
Try this
If you want to charge your battery to 100%, then turn off the [Extend Battery Life] function.
➔ Move it indoors for installation. (Brief description of title or troubleshooting methods)
How to set the [Extend Battery Life] function in LG Control Center.
1. In the input window at the left bottom of the screen, search for and select [LG Control Center].
2. Click [Power Management Setting].
3. Turn off the function by setting the third item, [Extend Battery Life] to [OFF].
How to set the [Extend Battery Life] function in LG Smart Assistant
1. In the task bar of the screen, click the icon to run the app.
Or go to the Start menu and select [ ] → Click [
LG Smart Assistant] for every app.
2. In [Power Setting], switch [Extend Battery Life] from on to off.
※ If you are unable to locate the LG Update Center, LG Update Center or LG DnA Center Plus program, you can access the LG Electronics
website's download library and select [Laptop/Tab book] from the [IT/Monitor] category and then inter the model name.
After that, choose the corresponding Windows version from the [Operating System (OS)] category and you can proceed to install the LG Update,
LG Update Center or LG DnA Center Plus program.
This guide was created for all models, so the images or content may be different from your product.