In unserer Hilfebibliothek finden Sie hilfreiche Informationen uber Ihr LG Produkt. In unserer Hilfebibliothek finden Sie hilfreiche Informationen uber Ihr LG Produkt.

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[LG TONE Free] My Tone Free ist immer noch mit meinem Bluetooth-Gerät verbunden.


If foreign substances such as sweat, water, cosmetics, etc. are stuck in the earbuds or charging case, Bluetooth may be still connected even if you place the earbuds into the charging case and close it.

➔ Possible symptoms

  • Earbuds may not charge properly.
  • Bluetooth is not disconnected.
  • Earbuds may make a high-frequency sound.
  • The indicator light may not work properly.

Causes and Symptoms

I placed my earbuds into the charging case and closed the case, but they are still connected to my Bluetooth device.

Try this

Gently wipe the area where the earbuds are placed in the charging case with a tissue or dry cloth and put the earbuds back in the case.

Gently wipe the area where the earbuds are placed in the charging case with a tissue or dry cloth and put the earbuds back in the case.
If the earbuds are not properly placed into the case or if the battery is discharged, the Bluetooth may be still connected.

This guide was created for all models, so the images or content may be different from your product.

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