The Dean of School of Engineering, Yaba College of Technology, Engr. Joseph Chikwe said that it was with utmost delight that they received the news on the excellent performance of the students which has earned them the honour of being an LG Electronics staff. He noted that, this will encourage the students coming on board during the second phase to put in their best and get the desired result. In his response, the Marketing Director of LG Electronics, West African Operations, Mr. Charles Asinugo, said “We are passionate about the Nigerian youths, their aspirations and dreams are of utmost importance to us towards achieving a brighter future for them. It is in line with this, that we have packaged this programme to meet their needs, make the future brighter and better and ultimately produce tomorrow’s leaders”.
He further said that with the success of phase one, LG Electronics is encouraged to increase the number of beneficiaries from 7 to 30 students in phase two. This he said is to give more students the opportunity to excel in their talents and chosen field.The internship programme allows the best students of the institution based on academic Grade Points (GP) to go on industrial training with LG Electronics. During the period, the trainees are taught the rudiments of technology that will enhance their knowledge through practical exposure and capacity building.
This initiative is in line with LG Electronics core values of giving back to the society where it operates and advancing the good life. The programme is sustained on yearly basis, with the expectation that it would make meaningful impact in the lives of the students and the country as a whole.
LG Electronics has been known over the years, for its innovative products and services that cut across home appliances, home entertainment and mobile communications. More importantly, they are all designed to meet and satisfy the needs of consumers.