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    Video] LG Refrigerator - Not Cold Enough
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    Refrigerator door pops open and closes when I open and close the other door
    Shall we take a closer look? ●It is perfectly normal for the other door to open and close because it iscaused by the air pressure inside the refrigerator. Between the freezer and refrigerator, there is a path for cold air totravel. When one...
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    LG Refrigerator – Error Code List
    At a Glance-----------LG makes it easy to diagnose problems with your refrigerator, should you runinto any issues. If an issue occurs, the refrigerator is programmed tocommunicate diagnostic messages, displayed as codes, that can assist you...
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    LG Refrigerator - Child Lock Functions
    [LG Refrigerator] - Child Lock Functions #refdemo , #refthinq , #refmaintenance , #reftroubleshooting For more videos checkout below YouTube playlist- Refrigerator Demo & Settings
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    LG Refrigerator - Refrigerator makes gurgling noises
    [LG Refrigerator] - Refrigerator makes gurgling noises #refdemo, #refthinq, #refmaintenance, #reftroubleshootingCheckhow to set Temperature in Lg Refrigerator.For morevideos checkout below YouTube playlist- Refrigerator Demo &Settingshttps:...
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    LG Refrigerator - Demo Mode or Display mode_ FRD
    Demo Mode or Display mode SymptomNot cooling even though Display on( “0 FF”) How to fix1) The way of checking Demo modeWhen any button is pushed, “0 FF”shows up on the display.When there is no air flow inside whileThe door switch is holded ...
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