• Hello mom and dad! Are you impatiently waiting for the moment you will carry your little one in your arms? Did you check every item on your newborn essentials list? Well, we think one is missing. We bet no one told you how important it is to purchase an air purifier for newborns. Why? Allow us to explain.

    You’ve probably read and listened to many experts to educate yourself and ensure you’ll care for your newborn in the best way possible. And you came to know that hygiene is essential for newborns' health. So you find yourself devouring content on how to disinfect your home to welcome your baby and sanitize their bottles and every item they’ll come in contact with.

    Sanitizing your newborn's items is the right way to go. But did you know that the air our little ones breathe at home is also a crucial factor to create a hygienic environment for your newborn to grow healthy and giggly?

    Studies show that air within the walls of your home is five times more polluted than outdoor air, as it carries harmful pollutants, including bacteria, microplastics, and probably pet hair if you have one.

    In recent years, air purifiers have become a necessary appliance for many. Their popularity stems from the fact they are an effective solution for maintaining a hygienic and healthy environment at home, especially for families with children. In their early years, children possess a developing immune system, making them more prone to illness and infections.

    Looking at this and considering that your newborn will spend 90% of their time at home, getting an air purifier is a priority. Keep reading this article to learn more about the benefits of air purifiers for newborns.

  • What Is an Air Purifier?

    An air purifier is a portable device consisting of a filter and a fan. The operating system of an air purifier is simple; the fan sucks in the air, which will go through the filter, and then is pushed back into the room. When the air passes through the filter, it is purified of any pollutants, dust, pet hair, etc., hence the name 'purifier'.

    Air purifiers eliminate harmful particles from the air, protecting you and your child from respiratory diseases and helping those suffering from allergies. For these reasons, air purifiers are widely used in workspaces, homes, learning centers, and hospitals. It is also recommended to use them in children's rooms to shield them from the harmful effects of polluted air, which we will mention next.

  • How Does Polluted Air Affect Children's Health?

    According to a WHO report, more than 90% of children worldwide breathe polluted air, which compromises their health and development. Compared to adults, children are more likely to be negatively affected by polluted air because they breathe faster, resulting in inhaling more pollutants.

    Newborns and infants are exposed to polluted air inside their homes; the fuel and technologies used in cooking, heating, and lighting affect the quality of the air we breathe in our homes. Below are some of the negative effects polluted air has on children's health:

    ● Affects neurodevelopment which negatively impacts cognitive and motor development
    ● Affects the lungs
    ● Causes lower respiratory tract infections
    ● Affects the immune system

  • The Benefits of Using Air Purifiers for Children

    Here are the most significant benefits of using air purifiers for newborns and children:

    Boosts Their Mood

    Polluted air irritates children, just like it does to adults. So, placing an air purifier in your newborn's room will boost their mood and keep them happy.

    Strengthens Their Immune System

    Particles in the air weaken your child's immune system and compromise its ability to fight various influenza viruses that spread through the air. An air purifier will protect your children by providing them with fresh, clean air.

    Keeps Allergens Away

    Children have delicate skin that is more vulnerable to allergens that cause skin irritations. Using an air purifier will prevent this and help you maintain an allergen-free home.

    Helps Them Sleep Better

    Better breathing means better sleeping. By reducing allergens, dust particles, and pet hair, air purifiers allow your baby to breathe fresh air and sleep soundly through the night.

    Safeguards Them from Asthma and Other Respiratory Diseases

    Some studies show that 50% of asthma cases among children are caused by polluted air carrying bacteria and viruses that should not be inhaled. An air purifier will minimize the chances of getting asthma and many other respiratory diseases.

    Improves Their Lungs Health

    To function properly, the lungs need fresh air. While growing and developing their abilities, children need to live in a clean, pollutant-free home.

    Gets Rid of Unpleasant Odors

    The smell of dirty diapers concerns most parents. With filters designed to absorb unwanted odors, air purifiers deodorize your home, maintaining fresh, odor-free air. You probably understand now how essential it is to add an air purifier to your newborn shopping list. As a home solutions expert, LG provides you with a wide selection of air purifiers that will meet your baby's needs and offer a safe environment.

    Life's Good!