Under the umbrella of the social responsibility initiative “LG Heroes” :

LG and Misr El Kheir open the education file by distributing 10 screens to deserving schools in Minya Governorate.
  • October 25, 2023, Cairo, Egypt - LG, in collaboration with Misr El Kheir Foundation, has distributed 10 units of 75-inch Ultra HD screens featuring LG's latest technologies to 10 different schools in Upper Egypt's Minya Governorate. This aligns with a memorandum of understanding signed earlier this year between both parties, in which LG commits to donating its latest innovations in electrical appliances to enhance the quality of services provided by Misr El Kheir Foundation in education, health, and social solidarity across Egypt.

    As part of their fruitful cooperation, LG and Misr El Kheir distributed the screens to 10 different schools in Minya on Thursday, October 19, representing the first phase of their collaboration in the education sector. The event was attended by Mohammed El-Gedawy, the Marketing and Public Relations Director at LG Egypt, and representatives from Misr El Kheir.

    Mohammed El-Gedawy, the Marketing and Public Relations Director at LG, expressed LG's full commitment to supporting the Egyptian community through various social responsibility initiatives in partnership with Misr El Kheir Foundation. He emphasized LG's dedication to enhancing educational, healthcare, and social services provided by Misr El Kheir's affiliated institutions, especially in remote areas and Upper Egypt.

  • In the same context, xxxxx, xxxxxxx at Misr El Kheir Foundation, expressed their deep appreciation for LG and its continuous support, which has shown a genuine interest in education and schools. The education sector is a top priority for both Misr El Kheir and LG, aimed at improving educational performance and empowering a new generation capable of building a better future for Egyptian society.

    It's worth noting that the long-term collaboration between LG and Misr El Kheir has already brought smiles to many beneficiaries and their families through various social responsibility initiatives, including healthcare, facilitating marriage, and more.
