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With the all-new LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen phone, you can multitask wherever you are | More at LG MAGAZINE With the all-new LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen phone, you can multitask wherever you are | More at LG MAGAZINE

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An image of showing gift promotion for g8x thinq - buy g8x and get wk7 for free.

Compra un LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen y llévate 5 años de garantía gratis y un altavoz inteligente LG WK7 de regalo

Promoción válida del 1 de Noviembre de 2019 al 6 de Enero de 2020. Limitado a 100 uds. Consulta condiciones y Bases Legales aquí.

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LG G8X ThinQ con pantalla dual

Modo multitarea real 

Pantalla extendida de 12,8” 

Segunda pantalla desmontable

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The LG G8X ThinQ has many stunning angles, and can be folded over to just one screen or used as two | More at LG MAGAZINE

10 cosas que puedes hacer con el nuevo LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen

Infórmate sobre el nuevo LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen y descubre los muchos beneficios de sus pantallas OLED de alta resolución.

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The LG G8X ThinQ can do a lot of amazing multitasking things, from taking photos and reviewing them to watching videos and replying to messages | More at LG MAGAZINE

Galería del LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen

Diagonal product shot of the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen | More at LG MAGAZINE
Front screen product shot of the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen | More at LG MAGAZINE
The LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen open in a butterfly pattern with another phone | More at LG MAGAZINE
With the G8X ThinQ Dual Screen, you can watch videos while you type | More at LG MAGAZINE
Lights flash around the room as the LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen comes into full form | More at LG MAGAZINE

Galería de vídeos del LG G8X ThinQ Dual Screen

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