Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor

LG Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor is appropriate in applications where there is a constant compressed gas demand on a daily basis.

What is Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor?

The Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor operates at a constant speed, delivering reliable performance for consistent, high-demand applications.

Key Features

With the simple structure, The LG Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressors provide reliability in high temperatures and are used in various applications. 

Product Specifications

Horizontal Table
Refrigerant Series Application Cooling Capacity(W) Cooling Capacity(Btu/hr)
R600a CS, CT, CM LBP 55-193 188-659
R134a CS, CM LBP 55-258 188-880
R134a CS, CM HBP 372-598 1,269-2,040
R290 CM WLBP 203-335 693-1,143
Horizontal Table
Refrigerant Series Application Cooling Capacity(W) Cooling Capacity(Btu/hr)
R600a CS, CT, CM LBP 55-193 188-659
R134a CS, CM LBP 55-258 188-880
R134a CS, CM HBP 372-598 1,269-2,040
R290 CM WLBP 203-335 693-1,143
* The capacity is tested under ASHRAE-T LBP conditions at 75rps for AC and DC.


What are the advantages of a Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor?
The structure of a Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor is relatively simple, making it less expensive to manufacture and easier to maintain. It also has the advantage of being cost-effective initially and easier to repair.
In what environments are Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressors most commonly applied?
Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressors are most suitable for environments where consistent operation and stable load conditions are required. These compressors perform well in applications with minimal fluctuations in demand, making them appropriate for systems that require steady, reliable performance.

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Fixed Speed Reciprocating Compressor

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* Some images are simulated for illustrative purpose only. ** The mentioned applications are primarily used examples.