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Simplicity together with style

a black and white image of alexander who is standing against the wall wearing sunglasses and putting his both hands into his pockets

24-year-old Alexander Vithin is from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Throughout his life, he has always been attracted to geometry and the quantitative sciences, and this inspired him to attend a University of Architecture and Construction.

At the age of 20, he began photographing Russian architecture. The city that he visited most was Moscow, as it is there that the largest and most expensive structures are built. He had been waiting for years to finally capture the beauty and grandeur of these buildings.

Now, his photography has taken him beyond Russia, and he travels across Europe seeking buildings in different countries and cities. His goal is to inspire his Russian audience to take inspiration from new places as a way to refine their style. His photos are a reflection of his ideal world and the spaces he would like to see fill his country. His goal and belief is that simplicity together with style will be formed in Russia.

a black and white image of lg signature oled tv which is hung on the wall and to the left there is a spiral staircase

“In recent years, I've began looking endlessly for the meaning in everything; something that’s evident from the work on my Instagram profile, website, and other social platforms. Before buying anything, I always ask myself, why do I need this?”

“If I have a valid reason, and it meets my standards for style and functionality, then I buy it. These are the fundamental requirements for everything in my life.”

a black and white image of lg signature refrigerator which is hung on the wall

“As for LG SIGNATURE, these home appliances meet all my requirements and are things I want to buy. They are minimalist but meet the needs of any person living in the 21st century.”

a black and white image of lg signature washing machine this is laid on the right middle of the frame with a column standing next to it

“Their unsurpassed quality and attention to every detail are truly captivating! Most importantly, though, they reflect the brand’s attitude and philosophy that appliances should not just be functional, but also aesthetically pleasing. In all my collaborations with LG SIGNATURE, this is something I really tried to emphasize.”

“Of my four preferred products, my absolute favorite is the LG SIGNATURE OLED TV W. Every last detail seems to have been rethought and reworked until a seemingly brand-new product has been created. With nothing left of the old and notorious idea of the TV, it has completely broken through barriers and created a new standard for technology in its field. I never cease to be surprised by how compatible it is within any home interior scheme or placement. My photo proves its versatility.”

an image of alexander vithin's autograph

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