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A parallel between great design and magic

magical space on the lg signature oled tv w

Art director, Santi Zoraidez, was born in Buenos Aires and spent many years living and working in Copenhagen and Berlin, before recently returning to his native country to continue his practice. The magical thing about Santi’s work—and what keeps clients returning to work with him again and again—is that it’s not initially easy to work out exactly how he creates such captivating digital images.

One minute, it seems like a photograph, then suddenly it’s an animation or a digital illustration in motion. His incomparable ability to merge excellent illustration with groundbreaking digital effects has led him to work with companies who want to constantly show they’re at the forefront of creativity: brands such as Apple, Nike, and Bulgari to name but a few. If you’re looking for someone to create a truly spellbinding piece of moving illustration or digital rendering, look no further than Santi: an artist at the top of his game.

“I think what’s great about working with LG SIGNATURE products is their amazingly clean and modern design. The technology behind their beauty is really inspiring when featuring them in a piece of art.”

“This allowed me to create amazing spaces for the products; places where fantastic things suddenly happen! Each of the pieces presents a parallel between great design and magic.”

“All the LG SIGNATURE products have features that make them different and special. It was a lot of fun trying to communicate their USPs in an abstract, fresh, and clean way. My aim was to find a relation between each USP and how it affects or interacts with its surroundings.”

“For example, how the Washing Machine interacts with the clothes or how the Air Purifier ‘cleans’ the environment. I like to make these abstract things concrete and present them in a graphic way.”

santi zoraidez is immersed in thought
lg signature washing machine with big artificial rings
lg signature refrigerator with a bright bulb
lg signature wallpaper oled tv w with sound bar
lg signature air purifier with pink artificial background
lg signature washing machine with big artificial rings
lg signature refrigerator with a bright bulb
lg signature wallpaper oled tv w with sound bar
lg signature air purifier with pink artificial background
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