• The demand to "connect” for fast, reliable and secure communication seems ever-expanding globally, including how we move people, products and services. According to the McKinsey Center for Future Mobility, about 95% of new vehicles sold globally in 2030 will be connected, and 45% of these vehicles will incorporate intermediate and advanced connectivity. As more vehicles become connected, the automotive security industry continues to gain significance. Fortunately, this is something LG Electronics is actively addressing.

  • @LG Electronics’ Vehicle to Everything (V2X) solution, developed for Volkswagen, just received the world’s first Common Criteria (CC) certification for security stability in the V2X device category! As a mobility technology leader with a strong focus on automotive security, we believe this certification reinforces @LG Electronics Vehicle component Solutions’ leading position in the global automotive components market and highlights our company’s capabilities in automotive security. With such an important topic in an area of technology that is advancing quickly, I’d like to take a moment to break down why this certification is important both now and in the future.


    Connected vehicles provide a unique customer experience for passengers and deliver cost and revenue benefits to mobility companies. LG Electronics’ V2X technology solutionallows a vehicle to communicate with systems, devices and technologies in the surrounding area - including other vehicles, traffic infrastructure and pedestrians - and plays a major role in the development of autonomous driving.

  • For example, imagine two cars approaching an intersection from different directions. Using Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) communication, a component of V2X technology, the two vehicles can exchange information related to their speed, direction and location in real-time. If the technology detects a potential collision, the system can alert the drivers and/or automatically apply the brakes to prevent an accident. This capability significantly enhances road safety by reducing the likelihood of collisions. Alternatively, imagine a pedestrian about to cross the street as a car is approaching. With Vehicle-to-Pedestrian communication, an additional component of V2X technology, the pedestrian's smartphone can send a signal to the approaching vehicle, alerting the vehicle of the pedestrian's presence. The vehicle can then slow down or come to a full stop and allow the pedestrian to cross safely. This technology is particularly useful in areas with heavy foot traffic, including school zones and busy city centers, enhancing safety for vulnerable road users.

  • These two examples demonstrate how LG Electronics’ V2X technology solution communicates with other systems and technologies to support safe and autonomous driving. In addition to LG Electronics V2X technology solution, the physical component that attained the CC certification for security stability is LG’s VW Transceiver Module. LG’s VW Transceiver Module is a telematics component, which combines a transmitter and receiver into a single unit. The module enables the collection, transmission and analysis of in-vehicle data and incoming data from the vehicle itself, as well as data exchange between the original vehicle and other vehicles, pedestrians, infrastructure and networks. Telematics combines telecommunications and monitoring to provide real-time data and insights. In this case, LG’s VW Transceiver Module is a communications module designed exclusively for Volkswagen’s internal combustion engine-specific MQB platform, supporting V2X communication and Bluetooth-enabled Remote Parking Assistance functionality.


    Because the V2X technology solution uses Dedicated Short-Range Communications, a Wi-Fi-like technology, and cellular networks such as 5G to communicate with other systems, devices and technologies, the solution is susceptible to compromises and requires robust security. According to encryption expert Todd Moore, connected car hacks are a growing global threat to the automotive industry, and companies that have traditionally not needed to think about automotive security must now consider automotive security threats throughout their development process.

  • Of course, software vulnerabilities inside cars have been a longstanding concern. A decade ago, two renowned security researchers and white hat hackers, Charlie Miller and Chris Valise, pulled off a remote hack of a vehicle while it was on the highway -- turning on the windshield wipers, blasting the radio and killing the engine. They discovered and exploited security vulnerabilities that, if left unchecked, would allow remote access, including steering and braking, to around 1.4 million vehicles. More recently, researchers identified infotainment vulnerabilities that could be exploited to access sensitive data and control functions. This resulted in swift action to address these issues with software updates and enhanced security protocols.

  • Both these incidents underscore the importance of connected vehicle security, especially as the continuous and rapid evolution of technology creates new and emerging security challenges, and opportunities. This is why LG prioritizes a comprehensive approach against unauthorized or malicious access of interference and grants drivers and vehicle passengers’ peace of mind.


    Through LG Electronics’ dedication to automotive security, specifically as it relates to the V2X technology solution, our company received the world’s first Common Criteria certification for security stability in the V2X device category. For your situational awareness, Common Criteria (CC) is the widest available cybersecurity program for IT products and is designed to develop confidence and trust in the security characteristics of a system, as well as in the processes used to develop and support it. The CC certification for security stability that LG’s VW Transceiver Module received is an internationally recognized standard for IT product security.

  • To attain the CC certification, LG’s VW Transceiver Module underwent rigorous evaluations conducted by DEKRA, an accredited laboratory for CC certification. After completing the evaluation, LG’s module successfully met CC’s stringent security standards and earned an Evaluation Assurance Level 2+ rating from Spain’s National Cryptologic Centre.

  • Receiving this certification demonstrates that LG Electronics’ VW Transceiver Module and V2X technology provides comprehensive protection against unauthorized access or interference and aligns with the most widely recognized and comprehensive IT security standard in the world. If there’s anything to take away from this announcement, it’s that LG Electronics is and has always been steadfast and committed to automotive security worldwide.

  • It’s worth noting that this announcement is not the first time LG Electronics received certification and recognition for its’ leadership in automotive security. For example, LG Vehicle Solutions received the Trusted Information Security Assessment Exchange (TISAX) certification in 2022. TISAX is a global information security certification created by the German Automobile Industry Association to standardize the different security evaluation criteria of different automobile manufacturers. Receiving this certification indicated that all major LG vehicle components of the electronic device triangular formation, including the in-vehicle infotainment system produced by LG Electronics, met global information security standards.

  • LG Electronics also received the Cyber Security Management System (CSMS) certification from TÜV Rheinland in 2023. CSMS is a standard designed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe’s regulation No. 155 and requires vehicles and vehicle parts manufacturers to employ certified cybersecurity management systems for protection against hackers and other cybersecurity threats. In today’s environment, CSMS certification plays an instrumental role in the competitiveness of automotive parts. By receiving the CSMS certification, LG can supply its auto industry partners with highly secure and reliable mobility operations and can respond quickly to new standards, giving our company a distinct advantage over other industry players worldwide.

  • These kinds of certifications further validate LG Electronics’ commitment to leadership in the connected vehicle security space, and we aim to continue to deliver innovative and secure solutions that ensure safer roads for everyone. With our eye on the horizon, our company plans to earn the same certification for our V2X solution for the Volkswagen MEB electric vehicle platform within the year, and we look forward to sharing when this takes place. In the meantime, LG Electronics remains committed to supporting automotive security worldwide and providing competitive vehicle solutions that prioritize safety and reliability for all.

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