LG Mobility Labworks Series

Digital Cockpit alpha

Future concept of next generation vehicle with cockpit electronics, connectivity and automotive vision system.

Technical highlights

Voice assistant1 Voice assistant2

Voice assistant

| Hybrid speech processing |

Hybrid speech recognition system combining LG in-house in-vehicle voice assistant. Possible to process complicated commands at once to support safe driving and offers emotional attachment and user-friendly UXM¹⁾.
HMI technology1 HMI technology2

HMI technology

| Motion detection, haptic and force touch |

Detect finger gestures and body motion with LG ToF²⁾ and IR³⁾ cameras for accurate 3D analysis of passenger behavior. Adjustments available for Cluster, CID⁴⁾, and OSRVD⁵⁾ with eye gaze detection. Integrated LG VCM⁶⁾ haptic and adjusted Tanvas for precise HMI⁷⁾.
Streaming and sharing1 Streaming and sharing2

Streaming and sharing

| 5G experience |

High resolution, high capacity and multi channel contents is available through RSE⁸⁾. Also, shared car concept that device identification and seamless video streaming from personal device to RSE are available.
Leopard SW platform1 Leopard SW platform2

Leopard SW platform

| Flexible and modular design |

A platform enables IVI⁹⁾ products following the Linux-based GENIVI standard. Not only ready for various SoC¹⁰⁾s, align with GENIVI and Web standards, but also, configurable in various scale via modular design.
1) UX (User Experience), 2) ToF (Time of Flight), 3) IR (Infra Red), 4) CID (Center Information Display), 5) OSRVD (Outside Rear View Display),
6) VCM (Voice Coil Motor), 7) HMI (Human Machine Interface), 8) RSE (Rear Seat Entertainment), 9) IVI (In-Vehicle Infotainment), 10) SoC (System on Chip)

System configuration

  • Hardware architecture3

    Hardware architecture

    • Cockpit electronics (Multi display, front console display, AR-HUD¹⁾, ISRVD, OSRVD)
    • Connectivity (Voice assistant, RSE, rear console display)
    • Automotive vision system (DMS²⁾, IMS³⁾)

  • Software architecture3

    Software architecture

    • Server VM⁴⁾
    • SOA⁵⁾
    • Cartridge⁶⁾
    • LARA⁷⁾
    • Next generation SoC readiness

1) AR-HUD (Augmented Reality Head Up Display), 2) DMS (Driver Monitoring System), 3) IMS (Interior Monitoring System)
4) VM (Virtual Machine) (HW-agnostic virtualization for Android with other domains such as Cluster, IVI and RSE)
5) SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) (Extendable and high-performance architecture)
6) Cartridge (Technology for on-the-fly additional HW resources)
7) LARA (LG in-house adaptive AUTOSAR solution)

Highlight features

1) IMS (Interior Monitoring System)
2) DMS (Driver Monitoring System)

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