Giving Hope to Overwhelmed Hospitals and Overworked Medical Staff

LG Electronics representatives and Kailash Hospital staff pose with a giant key to commemorate LG’s donations.

India has seen its share of challenges during this pandemic. So when a powerful second wave overwhelmed health facilities in April 2021, LG’s team in the country sprang into action. With a long history of community building in India, LG pledged USD 5.5 million to a project overseeing the creation of makeshift hospitals and the supply of life-saving medical equipment to help those in desperate need of hospital beds, equipment and much-needed oxygen.

The entrance of the Kailash Hospital with LG Stands Strong with India posters being displayed.

By working in unison with local government bodies and NGOs – People to People Health Foundation, United Way Mumbai and Doctors for You – LG identified 21 government hospitals feeling the full force of the pandemic in cities such as Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, Udaipur, Lucknow, Chennai and Sikkim. The allocation of equipment to hospitals was determined by requests received directly from hospital management and assessment of the program coordinators.

The entrance of the Kailash Hospital with LG Stands Strong with India posters being displayed.

LG also donated medical beds, ventilators, digital scanning machines, oxygen cylinders and lifesaving ambulances to more than 21 hospitals with a keen eye on making sure that rural towns such as the southernmost town of Kanyakumari far from the New Delhi nerve center weren’t left out. This life-saving support allowed All India Institute Of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), one of India’s most sophisticated medical facilities, to make more beds available to COVID-19 patients.

Two ambulances LG donated to local hospitals.

With daytime temperatures hovering around 41°C (106°F), wearing masks and protective gear made working in India’s hospitals insufferable. Aware of the heavy burden on the medical staff and the long hours they were working every day under extreme conditions, LG donated appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators and washing machines to help hospitals in the region provide their real-life superheroes with more comfortable environments.

A woman entering a hospital in India where LG donations are helping people in need.

This wasn’t the first time LG lent a helping hand to communities since the pandemic began and it certainly won’t be the last. At the start of the lockdown in April of 2020, LG joined forces with the Akshaya Patra Foundation to bring one million meals to Indians in need. This latest initiative by LG will allow every hospital to be fully operational, treating the maximum number of patients.


In the meanwhile, LG will be working nonstop to make life good for millions as the pandemic continues in India.


Contributed by LG India

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