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Welcome to LG Electronics Vehicle component Solutions (VS) Company

LG VS Company is dedicated to driving innovation in mobility solutions, and to providing enhanced in-cabin experiences worldwide. We invite you to explore our automotive technologies and solutions which are setting new industry standards in the mobility space.

Discover LG VS Company: Who we are and how we lead

  • Who we are

    LG is driving the future of mobility with our intelligent yet sustainable technologies, with a clear focus on advancing human-centric innovation.

  • What we do best

    LG leverages our deep understanding of consumer electronics and information technology to transform automotive spaces into sophisticated, living spaces on wheels.

  • Where to find us

    With a global network which spans across many continents, LG delivers mobility innovations and on-site service on a worldwide scale.

Media Center: News & Insights

Innovative mobility solutions

  • Cockpit Electronics1

    Cockpit Electronics

    Our Head Unit offers advanced Electric/Electronic architectures for optimal vehicle integration, complemented by our class-leading Automotive Displays renown for superior clarity and durability.

  • Connectivity1


    Equipped with the latest 5G technology, our connectivity solutions provide maximum vehicle network data transmission speeds along with network reliability across the globe.

  • ADAS Vision System1

    ADAS Vision System

    Our systems dramatically enhance on-road safety by integrating advanced AI algorithm technologies, helping drivers to navigate and respond to ever-changing road conditions.

  • Mobility Labworks Series1

    Mobility Labworks Series

    Our 'Mobility Labworks' series push the boundaries of automotive innovation, offering a glimpse into the future of mobility through our next-generation, high-tech in-vehicle solutions and concepts.

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