SuperSign WB

SuperSign WB is a white balancing software which offers convenient user interface service to help you how to write, draw, virtual keyboard, and web browse. Learn more below.


SuperSign WB

Software solution that controling the white balance of video wall or standard Signage monitors.


SuperSign WB enables easy and intelligent adjustments to a video wall for a uniform white balance with two calibration modes. Both sensor and camera calibration achieve a consistent white balance across connected displays, with camera calibration designed to cut down on time and manpower investment through a simple, automated process.


Key features

Auto calibration

Easily adjust white balance with few changes to settings.

High accuracy

With intuitive UI, fine-tuned like the experts.

Optimized for video wall

Easily perform calibration of video wall via Wizard UI.


Manual calibration

Even if a user is not a expert, Manual calibration provides an easy editing environment by enabling users to adjust white balance through LG's own UI.

Sensor calibration

Sensor calibration is based on LG's unique algorithm for high quality. It supports general sensors in markets and considers installation environment.

Camera calibration

It is possible to take a picture of a video wall, similar to a human's vantage point, and calibrate it to numerous monitors simultaneously.