COVID-19 CSR Initiatives

LG Electronics is committed to enhance people's life through various social initiatives; During COVID-19 LG Electronics supported 1 Million meal donation in association with Akshaya Patra, donated consumer durables across Hospitals, provided Face shields & canopy shelter to Police forces & Health workers.

Product donation to government hospitals

LG Electronics India extended support towards COVID-19 crisis and donated 2000+ consumer durable products to the government hospitals across India to support infrastructure.

Support to Police Force

LG India distributed face shields and set up canopy shelter for Police force across India to help fight against the COVID-19.
Through these efforts, LG Electronics helped the police force & Health workers, while they work tirelessly to protect the population from the pandemic.

Extended Support to State Govts.

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LG Team sharing COVID-19 CSR initiatives with Gujarat CM

LG Team sharing COVID-19 initiatives with Kerala Health Minister.

LG Team sharing COVID-19 initiatives with Punjab Health Minister.

LG Team sharing COVID-19 initiatives with Tamil Nadu Health Minister.

LG Team sharing COVID-19 initiatives with Rajasthan Health Minister.

1 Million meals donated across India
325 Hospital covered
Donated 2000+ Consumer durables
Donated 84,960 Face shields