Cataract not only dims the light of hope in India but casts a shadow of blindness worldwide. Startling statistics reveal that in India alone, cataracts impact a staggering 7 million souls at any given time, and a further 6.5 million cases are woven into this dark tapestry each year.
The silver lining is that cataract-related blindness is preventable and treatable through timely intervention. Since 2019, LG India, under its KAREIN ROSHNI initiative, has been a beacon of hope, providing support for eye surgeries. To date, we have sponsored 10,200 cataract eye surgeries and 800 cornea surgeries, benefiting underprivileged individuals.

In 2023-24, LG has expanded the reach of this program, aiming to assist 14,500 individuals. We've joined forces with six prominent eye care institutes across India to implement this CSR initiative for the underprivileged in our society.

Dr. Shroff's Charity Eye Hospital- Delhi, Icare Eye Hospital- Noida, Sankara Eye Foundation- Coimbatore, H V Desai Eye Hospital-Pune, Sri Sankaradeva Nethralaya-Guwahati, Sri Akhand Jyoti (Yugrishi Shriram Sharma Acharya Charitable Trust), Patna.

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