UV vs. RO Water Purification: A Detailed Breakdown for the Discerning Drinker

UV vs. RO Water Purification: A Detailed Breakdown for the Discerning Drinker


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This blog explains the process of selecting a water purification system suitable for your home. It clarifies that RO and UV filtration techniques effectively eliminate impurities from water, but they focus on distinct types. RO addresses dissolved solids and heavy metals, whereas UV targets bacteria and viruses. LG purifiers provide a dual RO+UV mechanism for enhanced safeguarding and boast additional features such as stainless-steel tanks and filter replacement reminders.


There are countless reasons why you would want to purify your drinking water. Clean drinking water is an essential need for all human beings, and by using a water purification system, you can ensure that your home receives safe and sustainable water, free from unpleasant taste and odor.


Water Purification technologies have become indispensable due to the rise in water contamination and the spread of waterborne diseases. With LG water purifiers you can ensure pure and healthy drinking water, utilizing advanced technologies to safeguard your health.


LG water purifiers employ a combination of UV and RO purification systems to effectively eliminate a wide range of contaminants, including bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, and dissolved solids. This multi-stage filtration process ensures the water you consume is free from harmful impurities, promoting overall health and reducing the risk of waterborne diseases.


While everyone knows the importance of pure water, very few understand the technology and systems behind it. Hence, they cannot choose the ideal water purifier for their home.


This blog explores RO & UV water filtration technologies - definition, features, differences, benefits, and what you should choose for your house.



What is UV Water Purification?

Ultraviolet (UV) water purification is a method of disinfecting water by using ultraviolet light to kill or inactivate microorganisms. UV light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to the human eye. It is located between visible light and X-rays on the electromagnetic spectrum.



How does technology work?

UV water purification systems work by passing water through a chamber that contains a UV lamp. The UV lamp emits ultraviolet light that destroys the DNA of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing. UV light is effective against various microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, protozoa, and cysts.



Where is it most useful & why?

UV water purification is a popular method for disinfecting water in a variety of settings, including:

    • Municipal water treatment plants: If you feel that tap water supplied in your house by Municipal water treatment plants is safe to drink, then that is a myth. It is still hazardous and may contain microorganisms and bacteria. UV purification goes a step ahead and removes them. 


    • Private wells: There are areas like suburbs and outskirts where consuming water from private wells is a practice. Groundwater, the source water for private wells, is susceptible to contamination from various sources, including agricultural runoff, septic tanks, and naturally occurring microorganisms. UV purification effectively tackles this challenge by disrupting the DNA of these microorganisms, rendering them incapable of reproduction and causing harm.


Advantages of UV water purification

    Effective against a wide range of microorganisms


    Does not alter the taste or odor of water.

    Relatively inexpensive

    Easy to maintain.


Disadvantages of UV water purification

    Does not remove dissolved solids, such as salts, minerals, and heavy metals.

    Requires a continuous supply of electricity.

    Not effective against some parasites


UV water purification is a safe and effective method for disinfecting water. It is a good choice for areas where the water is primarily contaminated with microorganisms.


Also Read: Water Purifiers: A Safeguard against Water-Borne Diseases



What is RO Water Purification?

Reverse osmosis (RO) is a water purification process that removes a wide range of contaminants from water by forcing it through a semipermeable membrane. The membrane has pores that are so small that only water molecules can pass through, leaving behind dissolved solids, such as salts, minerals, heavy metals, and organic contaminants.



How does technology work?

RO water purification systems typically involve several stages of filtration, including:

    1. Sediment Filtration: Removes large particles, such as dirt, sand, and rust, to prevent clogging of the subsequent filters.


    2. Pre-carbon Filter: Removes chlorine, bad taste, and foul odors, and attracts and bonds with positively charged ions to prevent chemical compounds, like chlorine and chloramines, from passing through to the third filter.


    3. Reverse Osmosis Membrane: The heart of the RO system, where water is forced through a semipermeable membrane, leaving behind dissolved solids and impurities.


    4. Post-carbon Filter: Enhances the taste and odor of the water by removing any remaining chlorine or volatile organic compounds (VOCs).



Where is it most useful?

RO water purification is particularly effective in removing a broad spectrum of contaminants, making it a suitable choice for areas with water sources that contain:


    High levels of dissolved solids, such as salts and minerals, can cause hard water and affect the taste of the water.

    Heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, and chromium, can pose serious health risks.

    Organic contaminants, such as herbicides, pesticides, and pharmaceuticals, can enter water sources from agricultural runoff or industrial waste.


Advantages of RO water purification

    Removes a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic contaminants

    Provides highly purified water that is safe to drink

    Improves the taste and odor of water


Disadvantages of RO water purification

    Requires a continuous supply of electricity

    Can be more expensive than other water purification methods

    Waste a significant amount of water during the filtration process


RO water purification is a highly effective method for removing a wide range of contaminants from water. It is a good choice for areas where the water is heavily contaminated or where there is a high risk of exposure to harmful substances.


Also Read: LG's Water Purifiers: Say Goodbye to Contaminated Water


Discussing the differences 

Reverse osmosis (RO) and ultraviolet (UV) are two common water purification technologies that effectively remove contaminants from water. However, they differ in their mechanisms, effectiveness, and applications.


Mechanism of Action:

    RO: RO employs a semipermeable membrane with extremely small pores that allow only water molecules to pass through, leaving behind dissolved solids, including salts, minerals, heavy metals, and organic contaminants.


   UV: UV utilizes ultraviolet light to disrupt the DNA of microorganisms, preventing them from reproducing and causing harm. It is effective against a wide range of pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, and protozoa.



    RO: RO is the most effective method for removing dissolved solids, making it suitable for areas with hard water or high levels of contaminants. It removes up to 99% of dissolved impurities.


    UV: UV is highly effective in eliminating microorganisms, making it a good choice for areas where the water is primarily contaminated with bacteria, viruses, or protozoa.



    RO: RO is widely used in municipal water treatment plants, private homes, and commercial settings to provide clean drinking water. It is particularly beneficial in areas with high levels of dissolved solids or where there is a concern about heavy metal contamination.


    UV: UV is commonly used in public drinking water fountains, camping and backpacking water filtration systems, and emergency preparedness kits. It is also used in conjunction with RO systems to provide an extra layer of protection against microorganisms.



Comparison Between RO & UV:






Semipermeable membrane

Ultraviolet light


Removes dissolved solids

Eliminates microorganisms


Municipal water treatment, private homes, commercial settings

Public water fountains, camping filtration, emergency preparedness


Removes a wide range of contaminants, including dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic contaminants

Chemical-free preserves taste and odor of water, relatively inexpensive


Application of UV and RO Based on TDS Level

When selecting between UV and RO water purification systems, the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level of your water is an important factor. Here's how UV and RO systems are best applied based on the TDS level:


UV Water Purification

Best for Low TDS Water (Below 200 ppm)

UV (Ultraviolet) water purification systems are perfect for water sources where you have low TDS levels. Low TDS water essentially contains fewer dissolved solids, where primary contaminants are likely to be microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses. 





1. Municipal Water Supplies: They are often treated but may still contain microorganisms. Added with UV, an extra layer of safety.


2. Private Wells: Water in Private wells can be contaminated with microorganisms from agricultural runoff or septic systems. UV systems effectively neutralize these pathogens.




• Neutralize a wide range of microorganisms.

• It is a chemical-free process.

• Maintains the taste and odour of water.



Best for High TDS Water (Above 200 ppm)

RO (Reverse Osmosis) systems are suitable for water with high TDS levels. High TDS indicates a significant presence of dissolved salts, minerals, heavy metals, and other impurities that can affect the water's taste, safety, and suitability for consumption.



1.Hard Water Areas: With Reverse Osmosis, you can effectively reduce hardness by removing calcium and magnesium salts.


2.Industrial & Agricultural Areas: Removes pesticides, herbicides, and other organic contaminants.


3.Urban Areas with Contaminated Supplies: It helps to filter out heavy metals like lead, arsenic, and chromium, which are common in industrial waste.



• Removes a range of contaminants including dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic compounds.

• Provides highly purified water that is safe and pleasant to drink.

• Improves the taste and odour of water.


Combining UV and RO Purification

For best protection, a combination of UV and RO purification systems is perfect. This dual methodology ensures that water is free from both dissolved solids and microorganisms.


Combined Applications:

1. Homes with Mixed Contaminants: Ensures removal of both physical and biological impurities.

2. Commercial Establishments: Guarantees the highest quality of water for drinking and food preparation.

3.  Healthcare Facilities: Provides sterile and safe water crucial for patient safety and hygiene.


Benefits of Combined Systems:

• Dual Protection: Removes a wide range of contaminants including microorganisms, dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic compounds.

• Enhanced Safety: Provides an extra layer of protection, ensuring the water is both chemically and biologically pure.

• Convenience: One system meets all purification needs, reducing the hassle of managing multiple systems.


Examples of LG Dual Systems:

• LG WW175EPW: Features RO + UV+ Mineral Booster with a stainless steel tank for enhanced purity and durability.

• LG WW145NPW: Offers true RO filtration with UV protection and a complimentary maintenance package.




Selecting the right water purification system depends on the specific TDS level and contaminants present in your water source. UV systems are perfect for low TDS water with microbial contamination, while RO systems are essential for high TDS water containing dissolved solids and heavy metals. Combining both technologies ensures comprehensive protection and the highest quality of drinking water. LG's range of water purifiers with advanced RO and UV systems provides reliable solutions for all water purification needs.



Application of UV and RO Based on TDS Level

When selecting between UV and RO water purification systems, the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) level of your water is an important factor. Here's how UV and RO systems are best applied based on the TDS level:


UV Water Purification


    • Best for Low TDS Water (Below 200 ppm)

UV (Ultraviolet) water purification systems are perfect for water sources where you have low TDS levels. Low TDS water essentially contains fewer dissolved solids, where primary contaminants are likely to be microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses.


    • Best for High TDS Water (Above 200 ppm)

RO (Reverse Osmosis) systems are suitable for water with high TDS levels. High TDS indicates a significant presence of dissolved salts, minerals, heavy metals, and other impurities that can affect the water's taste, safety, and suitability for consumption.


Combining UV and RO Purification

For best protection, a combination of UV and RO purification systems is perfect. This dual methodology ensures that water is free from both dissolved solids and microorganisms.


Combined Applications:

1. Homes with Mixed Contaminants: Ensures removal of both physical and biological impurities.

2. Commercial Establishments: Guarantees the highest quality of water for drinking and food preparation.

3.  Healthcare Facilities: Provides sterile and safe water crucial for patient safety and hygiene.


Benefits of Combined Systems:

• Dual Protection: Removes a wide range of contaminants including microorganisms, dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic compounds.

• Enhanced Safety: Provides an extra layer of protection, ensuring the water is both chemically and biologically pure.

• Convenience: One system meets all purification needs, reducing the hassle of managing multiple systems.


Selecting the right water purification system depends on the specific TDS level and contaminants present in your water source. UV systems are perfect for low TDS water with microbial contamination, while RO systems are essential for high TDS water containing dissolved solids and heavy metals. 


Combining both technologies ensures comprehensive protection and the highest quality of drinking water. LG's range of water purifiers with advanced RO and UV systems provides reliable solutions for all water purification needs.



Choosing the Right Water Purifying Technology

The choice between RO and UV water purification depends on the specific contaminants present in the water source and the desired outcome. If the primary concern is dissolved solids and heavy metals, RO is the best option. If the primary concern is microorganisms, UV is a good choice. For comprehensive protection against both dissolved solids and microorganisms, a combination of RO and UV can be used.


LG offers both RO+UV Water Purifiers, ensuring that you get uncompromised purity with every sip. It gets rid of the contaminants, including dissolved solids, heavy metals, organic compounds, bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. 



Why Choose LG Water Purifiers for Your Home?

You do not buy home appliances every day. So when you do, choose a brand that offers goodness, like LG. Having a water purifier with mineral booster qualities, stainless steel tank, double RO+UV protection, and more. Here are the detailed features of LG water purifiers, signifying why you should choose them:


    • Double Protection - Both RO+UV

The LG True Water Purifier utilizes a dual filtration system that combines the effectiveness of both RO and UV purification. The RO membrane removes up to 99% of dissolved solids, including salts, minerals, heavy metals, and organic contaminants, while the UV lamp inactivates microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, and protozoa. This double protection ensures that the water you drink is free from both physical and biological contaminants.


    • Stainless Steel Tank

The LG True Water Purifier features a stainless-steel storage tank that is more hygienic and durable than plastic tanks. Stainless steel is resistant to bacteria growth and corrosion, ensuring that your purified water remains clean and fresh. Additionally, the stainless-steel tank is designed to prevent the penetration of ultraviolet rays, further protecting the purity of the water.


    • 8L Capacity

The LG True Water Purifier has an 8-liter storage tank, providing ample purified water for your daily needs. This capacity is sufficient for a small household or office, ensuring that you have a ready supply of clean drinking water at all times.


    • Filter Change Indicator

The LG True Water Purifier features a filter change indicator that alerts you when it's time to replace the filters. This ensures that your purifier is always operating at optimal performance, providing you with consistently purified water.


    • Mineral Booster

The LG True Water Purifier incorporates a mineral booster that adds essential minerals back to the purified water. This process helps to restore the natural mineral balance of the water, making it more palatable and enhancing its overall health benefits.


    • True Maintenance Package

LG provides a comprehensive True Maintenance Package for its water purifiers. This package includes free installation, regular service visits, and filter replacements, ensuring that your purifier is properly maintained and providing you with peace of mind about the quality of your drinking water. 


    • Multiple Price Options

Having a set budget is essential when you set out to buy home appliances. That's why LG offers a wide range of water purifiers at various price points, so you can find one that fits your needs and your budget. Whether you're looking for a basic model or something with more advanced features, LG has you covered.


    • New-Age, Elegant Design for your kitchen 

LG's water purifiers aren't just about providing clean water—they also look great in your kitchen. With sleek designs and elegant finishes, LG water purifiers complement any décor and add a touch of sophistication to your space. No more bulky or unattractive water purifiers that take away from the overall look of your kitchen. LG water purifiers are designed to blend in seamlessly and enhance the beauty of your home.



Top LG Water Purifier Models

LG Water Purifier with Both RO+UV Technology


    1. lg-ww175epw - 8L RO+UV+MB Water Purifier with Stainless Steel Tank, Ivory

Key Features:

    Dual Protection (Air Tight) Stainless Steel Tank

    Mineral Booster

    In Tank UV

    Enhanced Water Savings

    Complimentary true maintenance package


2. lg-ww145npw - 8L RO+UV Water Purifier with Stainless Steel Tank, Ivory

Key Features:

    True RO Filtration

    Dual Protection Stainless Steel Tank

    EverFresh UV Plus

    Digital Sterilizing care

    Complementary True Maintenance Package


3. Lg-ww155npb - 8L RO+UV+ Mineral Booster Water Purifier, Steel Tank

Key Features:

    8 Litres Dual Protection Airtight Stainless-Steel Tank

    Digital Sterilizing care

    • Mineral Booster Filter

    • In Tank UV

    • Complementary True Maintenance Package


4. Lg-ww174npb - 8L RO+UV+MB Water Purifier with Steel Tank, Black

Key Features:

    • Mineral Booster with calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg)

    • Dual Protection Stainless Steel Tank

    • EverFresh UV Plus

    • Digital Sterilizing care

    • Enhanced Water Recovery


5. Lg-ww184epc - 8L RO+UV+UF+MB Water Purifier with Steel Tank, Crimson Red

Key Features:

    • Mineral Booster

    • 2-in-1 Water Solution

    • EverFresh UV Plus

    • Enhanced Water Savings

    • Complementary True Maintenance Package



LG Water Purifier with RO Technology

    1. lg-WW140NP - 8L RO+ Mineral Booster Water Purifier with Steel Tank, Black

Key Features:

    • Dual Protection Stainless Steel Tank

    • Digital Sterilizing care

    • Mineral Booster

    • Filter Change Indicator

    • Complementary True Maintenance Package


2. lg-ww142npc - 8L RO+MB Water Purifier with Stainless Steel Tank, Crimson Red

Key Features:

    • True RO Filtration

    • Dual Protection Stainless Steel Tank

    • Digital Sterilizing care

    • Mineral Booster


Complementary True Maintenance Package



Tying the Knots

LG water purifiers combine UV and RO technologies for comprehensive water purification. UV utilizes ultraviolet light to eliminate microorganisms, suitable for municipal plants, private wells, public fountains, and outdoor activities. RO employs a semipermeable membrane to remove dissolved solids, heavy metals, and organic contaminants, effective in areas with hard water.


LG's True Water Purifiers offer dual protection with a stainless-steel tank for hygiene and durability. Features include a filter change indicator, mineral booster, and a True Maintenance Package for regular service. LG provides various models at different price points, designed with an elegant aesthetic for kitchen integration. Overall, LG water purifiers ensure reliable access to clean and healthy drinking water.