Benefits for students' purchase program

Sign-up to become
MyLG member today! 

Enjoy incredible offers and benefits exclusively crafted for students.

How it works

Verification's a breeze, setting you up for discount shopping in no time

1. Select a program

2. Verify email

3. Start shopping and saving


Q1. Who is eligible for the education discount?

Current or newly admitted full-time or part-time students in India with a valid email address or a student ID.

Q2. When I try to log in, I get the message "You are not eligible to participate in the program.”

If you see this message, it is possible your educational institution may not be registered with us. In this case, you may approach us through Uniday’s. 

Q3. Do I need an LG account to access the education discount?

Yes, an LG account is required to access educational discounts unless you are accessing the store through an affiliate website, i.e. Uniday’s (Affiliate Platform). 

Q4. Which products qualify for the education discount?

You can enjoy exclusive discounts on all LG product range.

Q5. Can I share the education discount with someone else?

No, the discounts cannot be transferred to other people.

Q6. Can I combine the education discount with other offers?  

Any offers, discounts, or promotions provided by, independent of the Program, are not available to users in connection with a Program purchase.