LG BECON cloud

LG BECON cloud is a cloud-based air solution care system, monitoring LG System Air-conditioner and HVAC in real-time to maintain the optimal operation condition and identify any issues in advance.

Remote Monitoring for Smart Management

Benefits with LG BECON cloud

  • A right index finger points at the LG BECON cloud interface outlined with two rows of rectangles with rounded corners.


    Facilities are monitored without time or location restrictions, ensuring maximum convenience for users.

  • Two small icons, each featuring a dollar and a clock, circle the gear icon in the center.


    Time and cost are reduced by dispatching engineers after preemptively detecting potential issues.

  • Four graph lines go up and down, featuring a clock in the middle of the x-axis.


    Facilities are interconnected to enable real-time risk detection and analytical diagnosis.

Related Products

* Connectivity can be varied by each product

Discover More About LG BECON cloud

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Catalogue & Leaflet & Document Download

Title , Size Table List
Contents Type Title Size
Certificate ISO 9001 Certificate _ Until 23.12.04.pdf File PDF754K