Press Release


Ali Lakhdar, LGE Marketing Director. “TVHD guarantees a perfect quality picture..."



How many TVDH have you been selling and how many do you think you’re going to sell during World Football Club ?

In Morocco, LG is the first manufacturer having launched TVHD. And since 2002, the annual sale rate has reached 100%. For World Football cup, LG expects to triple its TV sales, all ranges mixed. - Do Moroccan consumers really appreciate TVHD? Sure they do. Very often, Moroccan consumer knows about latest technologies and is getting more and more requiring, especially concerning picture quality. TVDH represents a real investment and a deeply thought expend. Of course, it guarantees a clearness picture, so perfect and so realistic. It’s a top of the range product, very demanded because of this superior quality. - Yet it’s time to invest in a TVDH? I think that TVDH is “the” TV of the moment… and of the future. Today technology becomes a reference standard, and its just a beginning. We can affirm that today’s offer won’t be obsolete tomorrow. - What are LG leading products in this category? HD technology is present in several LG’s products. We have Plasma screens, LCD, MDP TVs, Home Cinema but also other DVR players and recorders. We have several models in several formats (42XP5 Plasma and 42LP1 LCD for example). For such technologies, consumer has to invest around 25000DH.