Press Release


LG Electronics Morocco General Manager Jae Young Lee : « Growing with Moroccan market »



Within 6 years on Moroccan market, LG Electronics has performed excellent results. Today, can we say that LG is now global leader on electronics national market, all products mixed?LG Electronics is determined to conquest Moroccan GSM market. That’s the subsidiary ambition of the Korean company which started its activities on local market in September 2003. LG also ambitions to dethrone its competitors to be leader on audio and air conditioning markets.LG is also a social responsible company. Courteous and Morrocan market expert, LG Morocco In 6 years, LG Electronics has realized excellent performances in order to position LG as leader in all products ranges: TV, digital monitor, house appliances products. For GSM, LG is fourth in Morocco and ambitions to reach the first place. How did you get that result? These performances are the result of a regular and continued work focused on the consumer satisfaction. Lately, Gallup places LG among the first companies in matter of consumer satisfaction, for from its competitors. For 2006, LG has adopted a new strategy called « Blue Ocean » through witch LG will confirm its leadership on several markets: products, commercial approach, work values, management system and people valorization. The objective is to improve et facilitate daily consumer life while offering modern style products and services. For Morocco, LG estimates that Morocco development passes through social development. While World Football Club approach, TV market becomes more important in income potential, can you tell us about this market position? Concerning the arrival of the World Cup 2006, this kind of global event is always the opportunity to offer new products. Since a month, LG has started its TV (premium products) promotion. Mundial coincide with 42PC1RR 42 inches plasma TV with integrated digital video recarder (DVR). Thanks to its revolutionary functions and device, users can avoid advertising or others unwanted programs, come back to a scene, look at shows without missing another program.LG raises the pleasure of flat TV by creating a new trend. The Digital Video Recorder is integrated in the Plasma TV and comes in an exclusive design. This HD ready TV incorporates an 80GB hard disc drive and has the capability of storing up to 40 hours of digital standard-definition programming. It also has continuous automatic recording in 1-hour intervals, ensuring a seamless viewing experience. The function makes viewers swift through time because it is possible to watch a movie for example 5 minutes behind the original broadcast or to enjoy your favourite goal scenes over and over again. One of your competitor presumes that its leader on LCD and Plasma market, is that true? It is undoubtedly a fiction. Only consumer can attest or not the truth on this subject… LG Electronics still made and wants to make mobile telephony a strategic market. Which are your arguments on this subject? Concerning mobile phone range, LG is Maroc Telecom partner so that the company can benefit of good coverage all over the country. For LG, these efforts are deployed to be among the top three on GSM brand in Morocco. Parallel to its commercial presence and with its citizen company motto, LG has strongly be present on the social scene. What do you say about that? In a human aspect, after the earth-quake LG has also sustained the Al-Hoceïma stricken. LG is a social responsible company and was behind LG Hope operation. It’s about children surgical operation suffering of facial malformations. For the first time, orthognatic surgery are done. This action main objective is to make children smile again, when their families don’t have financial means for such interventions.