Leaks)Unknown - Water on Floor_ Top Loader
Unknown - Water on Floor
How to fix
This article will help you troubleshoot leaking issues reported for a top load type washer. It is important to identify where
the leak comes from to avoid unnecessary service visits and to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.
Have you been able to identify where the leaking water is coming from?
* YES : If the customer knows where the leak is coming from, troubleshoot the specific area that is experiencing the leak.
* NO : If the customer doesn’t know where the leak is coming from, Ask next question.
Has this just suddenly happened or does it happen on every load?
* Every time : Check inlet and drain hoses and connections.
* Suddenly : Most leaks can not be recreated when the technician visits the home, so instruct the customer to run a cycle with NO LOAD.
If it does NOT leak again, advise of following conditions :