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Обновление программного обеспечения - Телевизора

Updating Firmware - TV

Обновления прошивки выпускаются по мере необходимости для Smart TV. Эти обновления используются для улучшения текущих функций, исправления ошибок и в некоторых случаях добавления дополнительных приложений на устройство.

Примечание: Для обновления прошивки требуется подключение к Интернету. Если у вас нет доступа в Интернет на телевизоре, вам может потребоваться выполнить Обновление прошивки вручную.

Как проверить автоматические обновления

Нажмите кнопку Home/Smart Home на пульте дистанционного управления, чтобы открыть панель запуска.

Щелкните значок настроек в правом верхнем углу.

Выберите опцию Все настройки внизу.

Выберите слева меню «Общие».

Прокрутите вниз до конца списка и выберите Об этом телевизоре.

Отсюда убедитесь, что установлен флажок Разрешить автоматические обновления, и нажмите кнопку Проверить наличие обновлений.

Если обновление найдено, следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы загрузить и установить его.

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Press the Home/Smart  button on your remote. From the Home Screen, choose Settings from the bottom-left.

From the Settings menu, navigate to the Others tab in the bottom-left, then choose Software Update to open the update options screen.

This screen will display your Current Software Version, and provide some additional Software Update related options (explained over the next few slides).

Turn Software Update on or off. If set to Off, Software Updating will be disabled, and you will not receive update notifications. To proceed, set this to On.

Check this box to allow your Smart TV to automatically checkfor, download, and install software updates. If left unchecked(with Software Update set to On), you will be notifiedwhen an update is available, but will have to manually completethe process.

Click the Check Update Version button to manually performthe check.

If an update is available for your TV, you will see thefollowing notification. Click the Update button to start.

You may choose to Hide the update progress screen ifyou'd like to continue using your TV during the update. Pressthe Info button on your remote at any time to view theprogress.

Note: This process may take some time andwill need to be plugged in and powered on until it's complete.
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Firmware can be updated manually by downloading the updatefile from lg.com and placing it on a USB storage device.

To perform the update, you'll need:

  • A USB flash drive with at least the size of the firmwareupdate of available storage(check the file size on your productsupport page).

  • A Computer with Internet access.

  1. Find your Product Support Page

    You can find the firmware file for your tv on the Product Support Page for your model.

    1. Visit the Support Home Page.

    2. Enter your model number into the search box.

    3. Click your model from the predictive drop-down list that appears below the search box (as you type).

  2. Download and unzip the file

    From your Product Support Page, download the latest firmware file.

    When it finishes downloading:

    1. Open your Downloads folder (or the folder where the zip file downloaded to).

    2. Right-click on the zip file's name, then choose Extract All... from the menu.

    3. When the extraction dialog opens, you can leave all of the deafult settings and click Extract.

  3. Put the file on the USB

    On the root of the USB drive, create a folder named LG_DTV.

    Important: The folder must be named exactly as shown above. The tv will look for only this specific folder when searching for updates.

    Place the unzipped file into the LG_DTV folder. The file type should be EPK.

  4. Insert the USB

    Turn on the tv first, then insert the USB drive that you have prepared.

    Follow the instructions on the tv.

Note: The tv is very particular. If you are having trouble, make sure the firmware file that you're using is made for your TV, and make sure the folder on your USB drive is setup properly.
    • Some updates are large and can take time to download,especially over slower Internet connections. If the percentageis increasing, please let it continue.

    • If the percentage is not increasing, ensure the TV iswithin range of the wireless router with minimal obstaclesbetween.

      Note: The wireless receiver built in to the TV may not be as strong as other devices.
    • If the screen says Downloading, Restart the TV and wireless router (unplug them then plug them back in).

    • If the screen says Updating, do not unplug it!

    • If the issue persists, Contact Us.

  • This message appears when the TV does not have an Internet connection.

    • Ensure the TV is within range of the wireless router with minimal obstacles between.

      Note: The wireless receiver built in to the TV may not be as strong as other devices.
    • Restart the TV and wireless router (unplug them, then plug them back in).

    • Try to connect the TV using an ethernet cable.

    • For additional troubleshooting, check the troubleshooting section of Setting Up Your Wireless Network.

    • If the issue persists, Contact Us.

  • This message indicates that there is not an updateavailable for your TV at this time. If you are expecting anupdate to be available, please check your Product Support Page,or check back regularly as it may be released soon.

  • In this case, the TV may be stuck in Boot mode.

    • Try to uplug the TV, then plug it back in.

    • If the issue persists, Contact Us.

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