Ramadan Easy Recipes

As the holy month of Ramadan graces us with its presence, bringing along cherished moments of reflection, prayer, and togetherness, all of us are excited to share delicious meals with loved ones. Here are some easy Ramadan recipes to do this Ramadan and enjoy perfect Iftars with your family.

Saleeg Recipe

Saleeg is a popular and famous Saudi dish distinguished by its multiple nutritional benefits due to its milk content. You can prepare this dish by following the steps below.

Electric Cooker


● For the Saleeg

- 2 cups short-grain rice

- 2 cups milk

- 1 whole chicken

- Butter

- Mastic gum

- Maggi powder

- 1 onion

- Cardamom pods

- 1 cinnamon stick

- Bay leaves

● For the Daqoos (Sauce):

- 2 tomatoes

- 1 cucumber

- 1 garlic clove

- Hot pepper

- Vegetable oil

- Lemon juice

- Salt


1. Prepare the Chicken:

- Wash the chicken thoroughly and drain.

- Boil it with onion, spices, and chicken powder until fully cooked on the LG Smart Wi-Fi Enabled Electric Cooker, which allows you to control its functions using your smartphone through the LG ThinQ app.

- Once done, set the chicken aside and reserve the broth.

2. Cook the Rice:

- Soak the rice for 30 minutes, then wash and drain it.

- Cook the rice in the chicken broth until done.

- Ensure a bit of broth is left for the rice to simmer in.

3. Add Milk:

After the rice is nearly cooked with some broth remaining, add milk and continue to simmer, stirring constantly until it thickens slightly.

4. Prepare the Butter Mixture:

- Melt some butter or ghee with mastic gum in a small pan.

- Add this to the rice mixture (Saleeg) and stir well.

5. Brown the Chicken:

Using your InstaView® Electric Oven, brown the chicken with a bit of butter for a crisp exterior; the convection "Grill" setting and LG Infrared Heating™ is perfect for this step, as it is the best convection microwave to evenly brown the chicken, enhancing its flavor and texture.

6. Make the Daqoos:

Blend the tomatoes, cucumber, garlic, hot pepper, a dash of vegetable oil, lemon juice, and salt to make a smooth sauce.

7. Serving:

Serve the Saleeg in a wide dish, arrange the browned chicken on top, and garnish with some spiced butter droplets. Serve with Daqoos on the side for added flavor.

Best Microwave Oven

Qursan - Flatbread with Spiced Tomato and Onion Topping

Qursan is a popular Najdi Saudi dish, prepared by making a dough from ground wheat flour. There is a difference between the Qursan of Riyadh and the Qursan of Al-Qassim; Riyadh's Qursan uses dry Qursan, while the people of Al-Qassim use the moist one.

1. Ingredients

● 3 and ½ cups of whole wheat flour

● Salt, to taste

● A pinch of turmeric

● Water, as needed

● 1 tablespoon yeast

● 1 tablespoon nigella seeds (black seed)

● 1 tablespoon mixed spices

● 1 teaspoon baking powder

● 1 finely chopped onion

● 2 diced tomatoes

● ¼ cup ghee (or butter)

2. Preparation

1. In a large bowl, combine the whole wheat flour, yeast, half a tablespoon of mixed spices, baking powder, turmeric, nigella seeds, and a pinch of salt. Mix these dry ingredients well.

2. Gradually add water to the mixture, kneading by hand until you form a soft, cohesive dough.

3. Cover the dough with a clean cloth and set it aside for about 30 minutes to allow it to rise and double in size.

4. Once the dough has risen, place it in a microwave-safe baking dish lightly greased with oil.

5. Use the LG Convection Microwave Oven to bake; preheat it to 180°C (356°F) using the convection mode, then bake the flatbread until it is cooked through and golden brown, about 20-30 minutes, taking advantage of the LG Smart Inverter which provides even heat distribution for a perfectly baked texture.

6. While the bread is baking, prepare the topping in a pan over medium heat; melt the ghee and sauté the onion, tomatoes, the remaining mixed spices, and salt to taste until the mixture is fully cooked and aromatic.

7. Take the baked flatbread out of the LG Convection Microwave Oven and cut it into pieces, then top it with the onion and tomato mixture.

8. Press down gently with a knife or spatula to blend the toppings into the bread slightly.

9. Return the bread with its topping to the microwave on the grill function for a few minutes to crisp up the top, giving it a delightful texture contrast.

10. Serve hot and enjoy!

Note: Among other types of microwave ovens, the convectional microwave oven can bake bread without dring it since it can distribute the heat evenly.

Baked Samosa Dough Recipe

The samosa comes from the Middle East and Central Asia and spread to Africa, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. Its name represents a group of famous dumpling pastries in Northeast Africa and Western China, and it can be prepared as follows:

1. Ingredients

● 1 cup of sifted white flour

● 1 cup of sifted brown flour

● 1/2 cup of sunflower oil or corn oil

● 1 teaspoon of salt

● 1 tablespoon of baking powder

● 1 cup of water

● 2 tablespoons of powdered milk

● 1 egg at room temperature

2. Instructions

1. Mix the white and brown flours together, then add the powdered milk, baking powder, and oil in that order, mixing well.

2. Add the egg and water, and knead well. Then, add the salt.

3. Knead the dough until it becomes cohesive.

4. Set aside to rest for 15 minutes.

5. Roll out the dough on a lightly floured surface until thin, then cut into medium-sized circles.

6. Place your preferred filling on the dough circles, fold into a samosa shape, and arrange on a baking tray.

7. Preheat your LG convection microwave oven to 200°C (392°F) for 15 minutes, then bake the samosa.

8. Serve hot, garnished with parsley alongside salads.

Note: For the samosa's surface, mix two egg yolks with two tablespoons of milk, brush this mixture on the samosas, and sprinkle with sesame seeds. Then the best microwave oven from LG will give you that delicious crisp.

Minced Meat with Cheese Filling

1. Ingredients

● 1/2 kg of minced meat

● 2 teaspoons of onion powder

● 1 teaspoon of salt

● 1 teaspoon of black pepper

● 1 teaspoon of paprika

● 1 teaspoon of mixed spices

● 1/4 kg of creamy cheddar cheese

● 1 cup of toasted pine nuts

2. Instructions

1. Sauté the minced meat in a pan without oil, season well, and cook for 5 minutes until the meat changes color and the water evaporates.

2. Add salt, pepper, onion powder, paprika, and mixed spices.

3. Stir in the creamy cheese until well combined, then add the pine nuts.

4. Set aside to cool before using as filling.

Note: You can defrost the minced meat using an LG convection microwave since its smart inverter allows for an even distribution of heat to thaw the meat without cooking its outer surface.

Potato with Curry Filling

1. Ingredients

● 2 large potatoes

● 5 tablespoons of corn oil

● 1 large onion, finely chopped

● 1 tablespoon of curry powder

● 1 teaspoon of hot pepper

● 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric

● 1/2 teaspoon of ground coriander

● 1 teaspoon of salt

● 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper

● 1 cup of boiled chicken, cut into small cubes

● 1 tablespoon of lemon juice

● 1/2 cup of finely chopped parsley

2. Instructions

1. Peel the potatoes, cut into 1 cm cubes, boil for a few minutes until soft but not fully cooked, then drain and let cool.

2. Heat oil in a pan, add the onion, and cook until it turns dark.

3. Add curry, hot pepper, turmeric, coriander, salt, and pepper

4. sauté until the spices are toasted.

5. Mix well with the chicken, lemon juice, parsley, and potatoes well. Let the filling cool completely before using.

Try these easy Iftar recipes and enjoy a great time with your family this Ramadan! Check out the LG cookbook and LG cooking appliances, and start your cooking adventure today!

Life's Good, LG!