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    LG Electronics is celebrating a win at the recent annual HVR Awards – virtual awards this year - announced online by HVR editor Heather Ramsden. The leading renewables manufacturer won the Heat Pump Product of the Year award with its Therma V Air to water heat pump range.


    Up against a raft of quality entries, LG’s Therma V won the day for its energy efficiency, its green credentials and for the range of options available – both splits and monoblocs and the use of R32 refrigerant which offers even more environmental kindness to the planet.


    With recent announcements from Government about the decarbonisation of heating in the UK, the arrival of the Future Homes Standard and the decision by Government that after 2025 no new build homes can have fossil fuelled heating systems, the spotlight has been trained on the use of proven renewable technology to provide our heating and hot water here in the UK.


    This followed by the latest announcement that the Government will be introducing a £5,000 incentive to install a new heat pump to replace the traditional boiler in the home and the future for heat pumps is looking ever more rosey, and rightly so. Whilst many in the heating sector are still apparently looking hard for an alternative to the boiler there is a clear alternative here already and its proven technology, embraced by millions of homeowners in Scandinavia and mainland Europe, as well as North America.


    LG’s Donna-Marie Evans says the recognition for the Therma V range is timely: “The Therma V air to water heat pump range has been growing to meet the demands of a widening marketplace in the UK for heat pump technology and is now recognised as a leading solution for renewable heating and hot water. We’ve seen the demand for our products increasing with sales this and we anticipate that growth will only accelerate with the latest announcement from Government.


    “This is the second major industry award we have received for the Therma V this year following the one we won in the H&V News Awards late last year. It’s clear that the heating industry is beginning to see the LG offering as a mainstream, serious contender when it comes to selecting a solution, with Therma V being the air to water heat pump of choice of all sectors of the housing industry – new build, selfbuild and retrofit.