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Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them


Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them

Whether your washing machine isn’t cleaning your fabrics like it used to, or you keep finding small leaks after each cycle, don’t ignore the signs that something could be wrong with your machine.

From simple faults that can be solved easily through some quick Googling to the more complex issues, we’ve got all your washing machine problems sorted below with some simple steps on how to resolve common water-related errors on your machine. Read on ahead and stay calm and troubleshoot today with these common washing machine problems and solutions outlined below.

Stay calm and troubleshoot

Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them

If your washing machine does not seem to be working, don’t panic! It is completely normal for washing machines to suffer an array of water supply or drainage issues even if it seems to be otherwise 100% fine. Simply stay calm and follow these steps to identify and solve the problem.

When to check the water supply

Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them

Do you see the IE error code? If so, this signals that your washing machine is not getting enough water. Check whether the tap has been switched off or if the water supply has temporarily stopped. Make sure the water hose is not squeezed or bent.

When to check the drainage hose

Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them

Do you see the OE error code? If so, check whether the drainage filter is clogged or the drainage hose is bent. Open the service cover at the base of your machine to remove any pooled water; pull out the drainage filter to clean.

Could it be frozen?

Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them

A washing machine located in a cold spot such as a garage or outhouse may freeze up in a severe cold spell. Defrost the supply (while not in use) by placing a warm towel over the tap and water inlet. Use a hairdryer to gently defrost the drainage hose (while not in use).

Any error codes?

Washing machine water issues – and how to fix them

LG washing machine issues can be clearly identified via the Smart Diagnosis™ feature of the ThinQ app, which allows you to easily check up on any issues with your LG appliance via your phone. Once you’ve identified the problem, ThinQ will also guide you through the best solution.

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