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IFA 2018: Your ultimate guide to LG’s CLOi Robots and smart home features


IFA 2018: CLOi GuideBot on show LG's AI-focused exhibition

It’s time for Europe’s biggest tech trade fair. Here’s your handy guide to the LG robots you’ll see this year.

We’re here at IFA 2018 – Europe’s biggest trade fair for consumer electronics.


As you might expect from Berlin’s answer to CES, the venue is packed with cutting-edge technology and offers a glimpse into the future with countless smart home features. And there’s no doubt that robots play a major part in that future. We have six different LG CLOi Robots on display this year – all designed to make your life easier.

Meet your new assistant

The command centre behind the CLOi line is the LG CLOi Home.


CLOi is the ultimate digital assistant. With a simple voice command, CLOi checks the ingredients in your fridge, suggests a recipe, and even preheats your oven. CLOi easily connects to your other LG ThinQ home appliances. So if you need to adjust the air conditioning, turn on your air purifier, or start the laundry, just ask! CLOi is even compatible with Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant for more choice, making it the perfect smart home companion.

Yes, CLOi got a bad case of stage fright at CES 2018. But luckily, CLOi doesn’t embarrass easily and was programmed to keep learning. Now CLOi has overcome nerves and is ready for the IFA spotlight.


LG also has a range of new concept robots on display – designed to take the hassle out of everyday tasks like grocery shopping and checking into a hotel.


Help for an active, strong life 

Walking is a simple activity for most of us. But for some, it’s nearly impossible. 


LG wants to change that. In collaboration with SG ROBOTICS, a startup which specialises in robots that assist with walking, the CLOi SuitBot has been developed to help lower body movement.


Once it's attached, it offers support to sit or stand and is highly customisable for the ultimate in freedom.

Care for a pillow mint?

The LG CLOi PorterBot offers express check in right when you arrive at a hotel, shows you to your room, and takes your luggage for you.


Goodbye stressful lines – hello relaxation!

More ice, sir?

The LG CLOi ServeBot brings meals and drinks straight to you in a hotel or airport lounge. There’s even a compartment to carry that extra pool towel you requested


Careful, you might actually like shopping

The LG CLOi CartBot eliminates the worst part of grocery shopping: standing in lines. This shopping companion and trolley has a built-in bar code scanner that rings you up as you shop. 

When you’re ready to check out, the automated payment service takes care of the bill. No lines, no drama.

This way to your gate

You can also see two robots in action that make life better for travellers at Incheon Airport, near Seoul, South Korea. Simply show the LG CLOi GuideBot your plane ticket, and it will lead you straight to your gate. Talk about slick travel.

In the meantime, LG CLOi CleanBot quietly makes its way around the airport and keeps the floor spotless. No wonder Incheon Airport is always voted one of the world’s best.

A flawless lawn every time

IFA visitors were fascinated last year with the LG CLOi LawnBot – the robot that does the lawn mowing for you. It’s back this year and it’s even better. Come see it in action as it maneuvers the trickiest of lawns with precision and safety.

Your life made easier

These robots are just the beginning. There are countless ways the right technology can make your life better, so LG is fully invested in helping you live freer.


At IFA? Come see us! We’re at Zone 18, closest to North entrance. There will be everything from prototype CLOis to cooking demonstrations, gala events and more. Or follow us for all the latest IFA updates by checking the hashtag #LGxIFA2018

Life’s good!

*Product availability will vary according to country. Check with your local provider for details.

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