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LG CES 2018 - For a smarter home: ThinQ.


LG CES 2018 - For a smarter home: ThinQ.

The days of toiling away to maintain your home is over. LG's ThinQ revolution is now ready to do the heavy lifting for you.

Have you ever been to someone's house for dinner and left feeling insecure and even suspicious at how they have everything together? How in the world is their elegant, yet spacious home so immaculately maintained? Are they really amateur cooks? How is the food so delicious? Why does everything always smell so good in their house? Don't they both work full time?


The array of questions are never-ending, yet one question still refuses to subside. How do they have the time? How in the world do they have enough time to work, maintain the house, cook, clean, socialize, and manage to get enough sleep? Have they hired a secret helper? As you toss and turn pondering these questions, you doze off into the night dreaming of a magical place where things just get done as you wish and life is good.


In this wondrous dream, you start the day full of confidence and assuredness knowing that you don't have to constantly rack your brain to stay on top of the day. You just refer to CLOi and ask her your schedule for the day. Not only will she make sure you're reminded and updated on all the tasks you need to fulfill, she will also hold down the fort and ensure the house is perfectly maintained.


7:00 am: You're reminded to get a quick session in at the gym. Knowing you're going to toss the sweaty garments in the TWINWash upon your return CLOi promptly sets it to the sports cycle.


7:10 am: You'll also be reminded to take a coat because It's freezing outside. Still, nothing is worse being stuck in an icebox as you painfully wait for your car to start up. That's a problem of the past. Already aware of your schedule, your engine is purring and the temperature inside is perfectly toasty.


8:00 am: Back from a refreshing workout. Time to earn some mommy points. You can ask Alexa to preheat the oven for the breakfast baked goods your kids love. As your EasyClean oven is up and running at the perfect temperature, you quickly change.


8:15 am: You want to make a quick and easy sandwich you can take to work. Instead of wondering about the ingredients, your Instaview ThinQ refrigerator suggests a recipe. You are reminded that the chicken has a couple of days left of freshness left. Chicken salad sandwich it is.  


8:30 am: You pick up your V30 and realize everyone else at home needs to get up. Why yell at the kids to wake up when you can just broadcast on your phone that it's time to wake up. The pleasant music of the speaker coupled with the inviting smell coming from the EasyClean oven will make sure your family is swiftly at the breakfast table.


8:40 am: You want to be up to date on the current events as you put on the finishing touches of your sleek outfit. You tell the Google Assistant integrated into your OLED TV to turn on some news.


8:50 am: The kids are particularly messy with the jams and spreads. No worries. The kids know to place the dishes in the QuadWash. You'll instruct it to wash up those dirty dishes according to the menu, and they'll be like new.


9:00 am: Up to date, everybody fed and satisfied, you tell CLOi to turn off the heater by 9:30 am when everyone leaves. You step out of the house ready to conquer the day without breaking a sweat.

LG CES 2018 - For a smarter home: ThinQ.

Time to wake up from this dream?


This is not a dream but in fact reality. When your home is powered by the open platform artificial intelligence (AI) of ThinQ devices, your home becomes your very personal assistant that is supported by the LG WebOS Smart TV platform to process hundreds of voice commands.


Open platform means you are able to use a wide variety of voice command and AI services, even from other manufacturers. The possibilities are endless. You’re now living in a world where the reality might just be even better than a dream.

LG CES 2018 - For a smarter home: ThinQ.

Life's good!



*ThinQ products launch may vary by country.

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