UK education

student savings

Get access to exclusive offers and great
discounts with an LG student account.

How it works

1. Complete the Form


Enter your mobile number or email

2. Verify Your Credentials

Verify your student status to confirm eligibility

3. Shop and Save


Discover great savings, exclusive to LG students

UK student

Get verified

Get exclusive student savings with LG UK Student Shop


Q1. Who is entitled to access our exclusive student offers?

University students with active student status, who are able to prove their staus in the verification tool.

Q2. What are the benefits of registering for the exclusive LGE UK Student Shop?

As a member of the exclusive LGE UK Student Shop you will access exclusive offers and benefits, that are not available in our regular LGE UK Shop online.

Q3. How can I register within an exclusive LGE UK Student Shop?

You can register within our exclusive LGE UK Shop if you are able to prove your Student status via LG verification tool. 

Q4. Can I use my exclusive LGE UK Student Shop and general LGE offers online?

Usually the offers cannot be combined, unless mentioned otherwise in the T&Cs.