Playing Videos

  1. Open the Videos app.

  2. Tap the video you want to play.

Tap to pause playback.

Tap to play the video file.

Touch and hold to fast-forward playback in 3 second increments. Tap once to fast-forward in 10 second increments.

Touch and hold to rewind playback in 3 second increments. Tap once to rewind in 10 second increments.

Tap to display a sliding scale to adjust the volume of the video.

Video playback icons

In addition to the video playback controls, while viewing a video, use the icons at the top of the screen to access QSlide , SmartShare , and Screen lock/unlock . Tap the View icon (in the lower-right corner of the screen) to cycle through the available screen views (original size, best fit, and full screen. Tap the Capture icon (near the lower-left corner of the screen) to capture an image within the playing video.