To send a text message

  1. Open the Messaging app (set it as your default, if necessary),
    then tap 267433.png New message.
  2. Enter the recipient(s) in the To box.


  1. To Box

Tap here to enter the recipient(s) manually.

  1. Message Box

Tap here to enter your message.

  1. Contacts Icon

Tap here to enter the recipient(s) by selecting from your Contacts.

  1. Attachment Icon

Tap here to add an attachment to your message.

If you go back to the previous screen while composing a message, it is automatically saved as a draft. Tap the message thread to resume composing it.

  1. Tap Menu icon Options > Add subject to add a message subject.

The subject text appears above the body text in bold letters.

  1. Tap add icon Attach to open a dialog box where you can choose the type of media file to attach to the message.


To delete an attachment, simply tap Delete icon Delete on the attached file.

  1. Tap 268646.png Send to send the message.
    Your sent and received messages appear in the same window, creating a message thread with that contact.