LG Game Pad

You can use virtual controllers on the dual screen to play games on the mobile phone. When playing the game, separate the main screen and the dual screen so that the controller does not block the game screen.

  1. On the home screen, tap Game Launcher and select LG game pad icon LG Game Pad.


  1. LG Game Pad

The LG Game Pad controller appears on the dual screen.  

  1. Tap LG game pad icon LG Game Pad and then swipe it left and right to select your preferred style of LG Game Pad.

Swipe left and right to select a desired controller style.  

You can play the game by holding the Dual Screen as shown below.

Hold the device horizontally to view the game on the top screen while using the controllers on the bottom screen.  


  • LG Game Pad is only available for games that support hardware game pads.
  • The LG Game Pad is only compatible with games that support Bluetooth® controllers.
  • Depending on the game, some apps or buttons may not support LG Game Pad.