From the Home screen, tap the Menu key > Home screen settings to access the following settings to personalize your Home screen.

  • Theme: Sets the overall ambiance of the Home screen. Choose LG or Marshmallow.
  • Wallpaper: Sets the wallpaper. Choose Gallery, Live Wallpapers, Multi-photo, Photos, and Wallpaper gallery.
  • Screen swipe effect: Sets how the items on the Home screen canvases slide from one to the next. Choose from Basic, Breeze, Accordion, Panorama, Carousel, Layer, and Domino.
  • Allow Home screen looping: Checkmark this setting so that the Home screen canvases rotate continuously (does not stop at the far left or right canvas).
  • Allow apps list looping: Checkmark this setting so that the Application screen canvases rotate continuously (does not stop at the far left or right right canvas).
  • Portrait view only: Checkmark this setting so that the Home screen is always displayed in portrait view even though you rotate the tablet to landscape view.
  • Help: Tap to view help information about customizing the Home screen.