Brightness – Adjusts the screen brightness. Checkmark Night brightness to set brightness at 0% automatically between 12:00 AM and 06:00 AM. For the best battery performance, use the dimmest comfortable brightness.
Screen timeout – Sets the amount of time before the screen turns off.
Screen-off effect – Sets the effect used when the screen turns off. Choose from Fade out, Black hole, and Retro TV.
Auto-rotate screen – Checkmark to switch the screen orientation automatically when you rotate the phone.
Daydream – Tap the Daydream switch to toggle it
On or Off. On allows the set screensaver to
be displayed when the phone is sleeping while docked and/or charging.
Choose from Clock and Google Photos.
Font type – Changes the display font type.
Font size – Changes the size of the display font.
Notification light – Tap the Notification light switch to toggle it On or Off. On activates the LED brightness setting and how the Home key light illuminates for notifications.