You can make adjustments to optimize your video. The following
options are available when you tap Settings on the viewfinder screen:
Video size : Allows you to select the video size for the video. Choose from
Full HD (1920x1080), HD (1280x720), TV (720x480), VGA (640x480), MMS(QVGA-320x240),
White balance : Improves color qualities under different lighting conditions.
Choose from Auto, Incandescent, Sunny, Florescent, and Cloudy.
Color effect : Applies artistic effects to videos. Choose from None, Mono, Sepia,
and Negative.
Tag location : Allows you to add location information to the video. This is ideal
for geotagging purposes. Choose from On or Off.
Audio recording : Allows you to select if you want to record audio for the video.
Choose from Off or On.
Auto review : Allows you to briefly view the video after taking it. Choose from
Off, On, 2 sec, or 5 sec.
Storage : Allows you to select where to store your videos. Choose from SD
card or Internal memory.
Reset : Allows you to reset to default value.