Gallery Options

The Gallery app presents the pictures and videos in your storage, including those you’ve taken with the Camera app and those you downloaded from the web or other locations.

If you have Picasa web albums associated with your phone’s Google Account(s), you’ll also see your Picasa web albums in your Gallery.

  1. From the Home screen, tap the Apps icon (in the QuickTap bar) > the Apps tab (if necessary) > Gallery to view your images.

    • Drag left or right to view more albums.

  2. Tap an album to open it and view its contents. (The pictures and videos in the album are displayed in chronological order.)

  3. Tap a picture in an album to view it.

    • While viewing an album the following icons are displayed at the top of the screen:

      • Camera: Opens the Camera.

      • Share: Allows you to select one (or more) photos to share. Tap Share (at the bottom of the screen) to open the available sharing options (such as Messaging or Bluetooth).

      • Delete: Allows you to select one (or more) photos to delete. Tap Delete (at the bottom of the screen) to delete the selected picture(s).

      • Menu: Opens the albums Options menu which includes Move, Copy, Make collage, Slideshow, Rotate left, and Rotate right.

    • Tap a picture in an album then tap the Menu icon (at the upperright corner of the screen) to open its Options menu which includes the following options: Set image as, Move, Copy, Copy to Clip Tray, Slideshow, Rotate left, Rotate right, Crop, Edit, Add location, Rename, Print, and Details.

    • Tap a picture in an album, then tap the Favorite icon (at the upper-left corner of the picture) to mark it as a favorite.

    • Tap the Back Key (in the Touch Keys bar) to return to the previous screen.