Record a Voice Memo

  1. From the Home screen, tap Apps > Voice Recorder .

  2. Tap the Record icon at the bottom left of the screen to start recording.

  3. Speak into the microphone.

  4. When you’re finished, tap the Stop icon at the bottom right of the screen.

    The recording is automatically saved to your recordings list.

    • Tap the Play icon at the bottom center of the screen to listen to your recording.

    • Tap the List icon at the bottom right of the screen to view your list of recordings.

    • Tap the Back Key to return the Voice Record screen.

  • Tap the Storage icon at the top of the Voice Record screen to set where the audio file will be stored. Tap Internal storage or SD card.

  • Tap the Mode setting icon at the top right corner of the Voice Record screen to set the audio file size mode. Tapping the icon toggles between Message mode and General mode.