To make and decorate a notebook

  1. Open the Notebook application.

  2. Tap New note or Quick note to create a note.

    • If you chose New note, select the desired cover, paper, paper color, and enter the title for the notebook. Then tap OK.

  3. Make or create a note using the available tools.

    1. Eraser

    2. Pen

    3. Undo

    4. Redo

    5. Text

    6. Lock/Unlock the Front Keys

    7. Zoom note

    8. Attach Multimedia

    9. Share

    10. Switch between Read only mode and Edit mode

    • Undo/Redo : Allows you to undo or redo recent edits.

    • Text : Select Type, Size, and Color of the text.

    • Pen : Select Pen type, Thickness, Opacity, and Color.

    • Eraser : Allows you to delete any edits you've made. Tap Clear all to delete all of the edits.

    • Read only mode/Edit mode : Switch between Read only mode and Edit mode. You are allowed to read only in the Read only mode.

    • Attach : Allow you to attach multimedia file from Picture, Capture picture, Video, Capture video, Audio, Record voice, Location, Sticker, or Date and time.

    • Share : Share as Image via Gmail, Email, Social+, Bluetooth, Backup Assistant+, Color, Messaging, Picasa, Google+, or Richnote. Share as Text and image via Email, or Gmail.

    • Lock/Unlock the Front Keys : Allows you to lock and unlock the front touch keys at the bottom of the device., , , .

    • Zoom note : Allow you to put notes that can be zoomed in and out. Front key will be automatically locked at this mode.

  4. Tap to save the note.