Save passwords

You can let Chrome remember your passwords for the sites you use.

Enable or disable saving passwords

  1. From the Chrome application, tap the Menu Key (in the Front Touch Keys bar) > Settings > Save passwords.

  2. Tap the Save passwords switch at the top of the screen to toggle it On (blue) or Off (grey).

Manage password prompts

If you enable Chrome to save your passwords, you’ll get a prompt every time when you sign in to a new website.

  • Tap Yes if you want Chrome to remember your sign-in credentials for that site. Chrome will automatically complete the sign-in fields for you when you visit the website again.

  • Tap Never if you don’t want Chrome to save your username and password for the website you’re on.

Change password setting sites

  1. From the Chrome application, tap the Menu Key (in the Front Touch Keys bar) > Settings > Save passwords.

  2. Tap the site that you want to remove from the list.

    • Tap a site in the Saved Passwords list to move it to the Never saved list.

    • Tap a site in the Never saved list to move it to the Saved Passwords list.

  3. Tap Delete.