Google Account settings

  1. From the Home screen, tap the Apps Key > Gmail > Menu Key (in the Front Touch Keys bar).

  2. Tap Settings.

  3. Tap General settings to change the following settings for all accounts.

    Archive & delete actions: Choose if you want to display only the archive option, only the delete option, or both options.

    Swipe to archive: Select to archive a conversation when you swipe it.

    Sender image: Allows the senders image to be displayed beside the name in the conversation list.

    Reply all: Mark the checkbox to make Reply all the default message action.

    Auto-fit messages: Mark the checkbox to shrink the messages to fit the screen and allow zooming.

    Auto-advance: Sets which conversation list is viewed after archive or deletion.

    Message actions: Sets when to show message actions.

    Confirm before deleting: Mark the checkbox to ask to confirm before deleting a message.

    Confirm before archiving: Mark the checkbox to ask to confirm before archiving a message.

    Confirm before sending: Mark the checkbox to ask to confirm before sending a message.


    Tap an account to change the following settings for that specific account.

    Inbox type: Select the default inbox.

    Inbox categories: Set the categories you want to view in the inbox.

    Notifications: Mark the checkbox to display notifications for new messages.

    Inbox sound & vibrate: Set the notification settings.

    Signature: Set the signature you want to include with every outgoing email.

    Vacation responder: Allows you to set an automated response to be sent when you are out on vacation.

    Sync Gmail: Mark the checkbox to automatically sync your account.

    Days of mail to sync: Choose how many days of email you want to sync.

    Manage labels: Allows you to set the sync and notification settings for your labels.

    Download attachments: Mark the checkbox to automatically download attachments to recent messages via Wi-Fi.

    Images: Allows you to set images to always be displayed or require permission to be displayed.