Record a Voice Memo

  1. From the Home screen, tap the Apps icon (in the QuickTap bar) > the Apps tab (if necessary) > Tools folder > Voice Recorder .

  2. Tap the Record button (at the bottom center of the screen) to start recording.

  3. Speak into the microphone.

  4. When you’re finished, tap the Stop button (at the bottom right of the screen).

    The recording is automatically saved to your recordings list.

    Voice Record Screen
    1. List Button

      Tap here to view a list of your recordings.

    2. Record Button

      Tap here to start recording a voice memo.

    3. Recording Mode Icon

      Tap here to change the recording mode (file size).

    4. Storage Icon

      Tap here to select where to save your recording.

    Recorded Voice Memo Screen
    1. Tap here to listen to this voice memo.

    2. Play Button

      Tap here to play (or pause) your recording.

    3. Volume Button

      Tap here to control the volume.

    4. Recording Bar

      Displays the recording playback.

    5. Bookmark Icon

      Tap here to bookmark a spot within your voice memo.

    6. Trim Icon

      Tap here to trim the recording.

    7. New Recording Icon

      Tap here to record a new voice memo.